I'm sure there's plenty of yummy food near you though so it'll be okay! I mean, take my own current plight for example. Not a box of curry for MILES AND MILES! We've looked everywhere in like a 25 minute drive radius from here and nothing! We can mourn our lack of wished for foods together, because I feel where you're coming from.
Take some icons with credits!♥
I think that's my favorite from the batch right there. Which says a whole lot because I'm normally a very staunch textless icon kinda girl. &hearts
Oh,well...I'll eat them with my eyes thanks to your icons!=)
I usually prefer textless icons but sometimes I make an exception,this is on of those time!
We can mourn our lack of wished for foods together, because I feel where you're coming from.
Seems like that goes for both of us. ^^
It's looks like we are on the same boat!
Eh,eh!Yes,it's looks like so!=)
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