Jun 07, 2008 08:56
So let's see...I'm 32 weeks now. My ribs KILL but other than that this pregnancy is pretty much a walk in the park compared to Joeys. I carry girls so much easier :) My OB can't tell the position and I'm feeling most movement below the bellybutton so there is a suspision of being breech. I won't know for certain until my 36 week appointment, if she can't tell then she'll do a scan. She's out of town for my 34 week so I'll have to see the NP and she won't be able to tell.
I'm a little nervous because I'm pretty small and my babies are pretty big so I don't know if 36 weeks will be too late to turn her? I know nothing. Must.do.research. Those in the know, feel free to edjamacate me. I'd also like to get her to turn on my own, here at home rather than at the pushy hands of my doc...I know there are exercises you can do but I don't know what they are. I also don't know if I should do them before I know for sure because what if she's not breech and I turn her that way?
I've taken like no pictures this pregnancy either. Other than the 9 week belly shot haha. I can't find my camera cord anyways =\
I've got a rad little couch I want to freecycle or craigslist, but agian, lack of camera cord makes it difficult. If anyone wants a free couch lemme know yo