Fic: Myka/HG - pockets (PG, 450) + essay/discussion on dominance (~2k)

Oct 29, 2011 21:47

Something rather more tame this time; I do hope no one minds.

Fandom: Warehouse 13
Pairing: Myka/HG
Title/Prompt: pockets
Series: standalone
Rating: PG at most
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: If I owned any of it, Helena would've stolen it by now.
Notes: Written on a train. ...Written on a tiny laptop, actually, but the train was nice too. Somewhat inspired by Hustle.

Myka/HG - pockets

The first time Myka saw them do it was an otherwise unremarkable morning at Leena's, a Tuesday, just before breakfast. A soft squeal of dismay and a thump announced HG colliding with Pete - she'd tripped over her boots, it seemed - and she was still in the process of apologising to him when Claudia hurried past them with a croissant in her mouth.

From her vantage point on the stairs, Myka watched Pete's wallet change hands behind HG's waistcoated back. She'd be a good sport, she decided, and not tell him until it was time for them all to part ways. At least this time HG had chosen to bond with her young counterpart over something other than misanthropy and mad science.

The first time Pete saw them do it was on the street, half way through a mission. Myka watched him read Claudia's lips as she said left inside jacket, watched HG stumble neatly into the arms of their mark with that same little squeak of alarm, watched Claudia pass by and take the wallet -

“Wow,” her partner remarked under his breath. “That was...rehearsed...”

“Now you know why Claudia keeps giving you stuff you drop,” said Myka with a grin, and some part of her knew she'd've enjoyed the display of legerdemain even if it hadn't been necessary.

The first time Artie saw them do it he called Helena a bad influence. That was the kindest thing he called her. Myka wasn't there at the time, but she did hear Claudia ranting about it in the back garden afterwards.

“ - useful life skill! If we hadn't snagged that guy's wallet back in Kansas City we'd never have bagged and tagged the artefact! Oh, but God forbid anyone should win the game by their own set of rules - ”

Claudia quieted suddenly at her co-conspirator's touch to the shoulder. Helena spoke to her in a low, soothing tone: Myka didn't hear the words, and unlike Pete she couldn't lip-read well enough to decipher them, but their effect was clear and swift. The angry lines of tension began to melt out of Claudia's body. Before long Helena's contagious smile had found its way to the young woman's lips. Moments after that they were giggling girlishly over some unknown triumph, and Myka relaxed. Crisis averted, somehow.

But then her gaze caught upon the graceful movement of a white hand, and as she watched Helena touch Claudia's cheek and fondly kiss her temple Myka felt a dull, twisting ache in her chest, and with it the admittedly ridiculous urge to reach inside her jacket and check that her heart was still there.

Living with such a woman, one could never be too careful.


In addition to the above, I accidentally wrote an essay yesterday evening during discussion of my previous piece with mayireadtoday - if anyone's interested in reading it, the thread begins here and the essay itself begins about eight comments down.
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