Title: The Still Not Getting Any... Series: Forget Your Problems
Characters: Band centric [Simple Plan]
Rating: PG
Category: Angst, Fluff
Warning: Slash
Pairing: Chuck/Pie
Note: Say hello to the fucking long-overdue "Jump" Edition
Summary: [Standalone]
I don't wanna wake up, today.
Disclaimer )
Thank you it's okay, I don't agree with some of your pairs either and I appreciate you reading through your preferences. Ahaha thank you, thank you, thank you. Sigh, I am, aren't I (would have ever guessed I got that title from writing het?) You can be the number one worshiper for the day and in case this sick day turns out to be like a gold mine for writing, how do you feel about Taking Back Sunday, Blink-182 and Patrick/David?.
*worships clad in '#1' foam glove*
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