boku wa vampire // prologue

Nov 29, 2014 20:58

TITLE: 僕はVampire
AUTHOR: Me, of course.
PAIRING: Yamada Ryosuke x Chinen Airi (OC) // Arioka Daiki x Kouken Ina (OC) // Chinen Yuri x Kawashima Umika
GENRE: AU; Fantasy, Romance, Drama
SUMMARY: Abandonment. Lost memories. The fate of never meeting again. This is a story revolves around three vampires and their lovers as they struggle to stay together. It all starts when a wealthy vampire prince named Yamada Ryosuke kidnaps an ordinary mortal, Chinen Airi, and claims that she is his 'bride.'

Everyday has always been the same: hiding in the safety of the shadows during the day, and roaming through the darkness at night. It has always been like these for the past five hundred years, and he was growing sick of all of this. A young, handsome vampire finally woke up from his slumber, sitting up on his bed. He slowly climbed off the bed and walked over to the nearby windows, pulling the curtains away to reveal the setting sun.

"Another boring, unsatisfactory night as always... " the vampire muttered before closing the curtains again. He promptly changed out of his sleeping attire and into a more casual set of clothes before walking downstairs. Waiting at the bottom of the steps was his most loyal butler and the house maid. They both of them bowed before him. However, he refused to acknowledge them as he walked into the dining room and took his seat at the fartherest end of the table.

"Where is my cousin?" he asked nonchalantly as the maid poured him a glass of bitter red wine.

"The young mistress is still asleep in her room as always. Ryosuke-sama," the butler replied.

Yes, the vampire's name was Ryosuke. His full name was Yamada Ryosuke to be exact. Like all vampires, he was extremely beautiful, intelligent, and very strong in terms of phsyical strength. The vampire belonged to a noble vampire family and was treated as prince by everyone. However, everything always came with a price. In exchange for his perfect and angelic features, he was born with an ugly and cold heart.

"Well good evening!" his cousin called out cheerfully as she walked into the room. The butler and the maid smiled as they bowed before their beloved princess.

"Good evening, Ina-sama. Did you have a nice sleep?" the maid asked as the princess took her seat across from her cousin. The girl nodded in reply, having a smile on her face. The butler nodded as he set down the young mistress' meal before her. She sure looked quite chipper. Usually, she would be extremely grumpy after waking up. Ryosuke disregarded this as he finished his glass of wine.

"I shall be going now," he said as he stood up and walked towards the front door.

"Ryosuke," his cousin called out to him, making the vampire look back at her.

"What?" Her cheerful attitude changed. Her expression began to mirror his.

"Don't do anything foolish," she said sternly.

"Whatever you say, Ina," he replied before walking out the front door. Ina was his elder cousin by a few centuries. Like every vampire, she was blessed with extreme beauty and intelligence as well as amazing strength. Within the vampire realm, she was treated as a princess and was loved by all. Unlike her younger cousin, at least she wasn't born with an ugly personality. Despite being reckless and blunt, she had a heart of pure gold that no one can mimic.

Ryosuke soon found himself wondering the streets of a busy city. He pulled the hood of his black sweater over his head and stayed low, blending in with the loud crowd. He quickly scan the crowd, looking for his prey. He was hungry and his fangs had been bothering him for hours endlessly. Then suddenly, everything stopped. Time had felt as if it had slowed down and stopped completely. The actions of the ordinary humans walking pass him were slowing down and turned into a colorless blur. There was only one person who stood out to him.

"Airi-san! After arranging all the flowers on display, don't forget to come back inside and water the rest of the flowers!" one of the shopkeepers called out to a young lady working outside the shop. The girl smiled as she nodded in reply.

"Yes, ma'am!" she replied before going back to doing the flower arrangements. Ryosuke immediately stopped in his tracks as he looks over at the girl known as Airi. She had a smile on her face as she did the flower arrangements before heading back inside. Ryosuke felt his fangs aching uncontrollably. He misunderstood and thought that she was his next prey. From the way that his fangs were annoying him, he pressumed that she probably had AB rh- blood.

However, that wasn't it. He was drawn to her in some unusual way and he couldn't comprehend what he was feeling right now. He stood nearby the flower shop and occassionally looked through the store window to watch Airi. She was always smiling and treated every flower with care. She also seemed quite friendly with the customers that come into the shop. If Ryosuke knew better, he would've realized that he was infatuated with her. His mind began to play tricks on him, saying that her seemingly angelic features was second to nothing or how no one can mimic her beautiful smile ...

It was then that he realized that she might be- no, she is his bride.

He waited outside of the shop until it was closing time and watched as his bride left the shop first. He trailed right behind her yet kept his distance to avoid suspicision. Every now and then, she would turn her head back... to check if anyone was following her. She never noticed Ryosuke and continued on her way. Just when he was about to catch up to her and approach her, he saw another man walk up to her.

"O~i Chinen!"

"Eh? Oh, Yamazaki-kun."

Ryosuke hid behind a big, old tree nearby - watching them very closely. Who was this 'Yamazaki-kun' and what was his relationship with her? Somehow Ryosuke began to grew irritated watching how this 'Yamazaki-kun' can just easily walk up to her like that. Was he feeling jealousy for the first time in his life? No, he refuse to be jealous. This guy was absolutely no match to Ryosuke anyways.

"Chinen~ L~Let's head up to your place!"

"Yamazaki-kun, you're drunk. I'm calling a taxi to take you home."


Airi struggled to break from his hold and when he forcefully lets her go - she accidentally hits her head against the nearby wall and falls to the ground unconscious. A wave of anger suddenly hits Ryosuke when he sees how Airi got hurt. He immediately walks over to them with a cold look on his face. Before the man known as Yamazaki could react, he was also knocked unconscious by Ryosuke. It took a lot of self-control to not bring himself to kill the worthless human. He immediately picked up Airi, holding her (like a princess) in his arms.

"I'll protect you, my precious bride."

*hsj; yamada ryosuke, *hey! say! jump, *fic; 僕はvampire, *pairing; yamada ryosuke x oc

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