Jul 24, 2005 00:53
Why do I sign up to work doubles???? I have no clue, well I need the money badly, but I don't know what is going through my head these days. Today I was up bright and early at 6:00am to work Women of Faith, a religious event. I always vowed to never work a relgious show, for many reasons; because the call times are normally early as hell, because we have to wear that god awful blazer, because you always have to help guest relations with their shit, because you always have those few people that have to force their religion on you. Well just about all of this was true today, except the fact that they didn't make us wear the blazer....just the non-pistons uniform!! Although call time was early as hell, I definately wouldn't have survived without Tamara, Ann, and Kelly, they definately kept me sane.
Wow, it felt weird to be back in the palace, I haven't been there in soooooooo long, if I didn't know any better, I'd think I was in a whole new building, they're doing a shitload of new construction all over the building. The North area is completely boarded up, inside and out. The press conferance room, has a bunch of dirt and cement pieces all over, and part of the tunnel, by the employee locker rooms have boards all over the floor. It's pretty fucked up, but it's gonna look nice when it's finally finished. But anyways I definately didn't have the luck I wanted. I wanted to be on tickets, but instead was at Riser 120, but that was cool because Tamara was at Riser 118, and Ann was at Riser 122, so everything worked out great, I had to figure out the floor seating which was a bitch, but everyone already knew where they were going so that made it easy, and when you're at a riser position you get to sit, so I was happy. Until Tamara asks "what's on your shirt?" Yeah there was black grease all over the back of the chair I was sitting on, and it definately smeared all over the back of my shirt......yuck, but hey I got a brand new palace shirt...Oh Joy!!!! I'm suprised I didn't fall asleep through out the show, but I'm beginning to think I slept with my eyes open. I did listen to some of the things, which seemed to send out a good message, but other then then I thought about going home, sleeping for an hour and then heading to DTE and working again.
I got like a half hour nap before getting ready for DTE...Styx...whoever the hell that is. I was happy because I figured there wouldn't be a lot of people and I could do tickets at VIP, and then go home. Boy was I wrong. I had to work tickets, and then go to 1k, for what reason I'll never know, because half the pavilion was empty, and no one had a single problem all night. But I'm not gonna complain, because I worked 11 hours today, and got a shitload of money, which I'm gonna need when school starts.
Here I am sitting at home, and not feeling to well right now, which isn't cool, because the cc guy at the VIP gate went home like 20 minutes after doors opened because he was sick as hell, so I bet I'll have it coming, which isn't cool.....but what can I do? I have one more day of work tomorrow night, working Abba, which will be just like tonight, pretty laid back, and then I have a day off on monday!!!! I so can't wait, because I'm beginning to think Monday will definately be a lazy day for me, and I won't do a thing....who knows, but I'm TIRED AS HELL right now, and it's time for bed for me!!
Goodnight Loves!
Oh yeah, I can't forget to mention the best part of the night....so I'm at 1k and this couple comes down the stairs, they're about my age, so it was kinda weird that they'd be in the Pavilion...row J for the styx concert.....maybe the prices were cheap or something. But as they get closer, the girl starts to look really familiar, but I can't figure out who she was, until she was right in front of me, and I was checking her ticket. She definately gets this look of horror on her face, and gives me this awkward smile, and I realize that it's none other then a friends (At least I think we're still friends) girlfriend.....with a DIFFERENT guy....and she couldn't have even used the excuse that they were just friends or family because they were holding hands, and he had bought her a rose. The funny thing is, as of like three days ago, they were apparently still together.....so she's definately cheating on him.....it's sad to say it, but I think it's hilarious!! I'm not gonna say shit to the certain guy, but it definately proves that karma's a bitch!