(no subject)

Oct 31, 2005 21:46

Lovestagelife's Halloween party:

10_minutes_till dressed as a Care Bear.

20sassiediva06 dressed as Tom Cruise.

_alexander__ dressed as a diplomat from Pakistan.

_binxa_ dressed as a character from Harry Potter and the Pendant of the Bud.

_cemetarygates_ dressed as a help desk director.

actinginflorida dressed as a bottle of Topzac.

alittlelesslove dressed as a kicker for the Packers.

allikat7116 forgot to put on clothes!

anewmatt dressed as Angelina Jolie.

asskickinfatkid dressed as a 1980's yuppie child.

atkw dressed as Santa's Little Helper.

bandxaidxheart dressed as a new superhero: Sub-- Knight.

calling_in_dead dressed as Moltar.

camronmichael dressed as Kobe Bryant.

claredm04a dressed as Sandra Bullock.

danceonatable gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as Warren G. Harding.

deadmarigolds dressed as Daffy Duck.

diamondxeyes dressed as something brave, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

drufuse87 dressed as Angelina Jolie.

elephantined dressed as a surface margin.

emo_child_623 dressed as the love child of Dick Cheney and Connie Chung.

flirtiry3 dressed as a buffalo.

glinda_rella didn't dress up, spoilsport.

guineaplover dressed as Lyndon B. Johnson.

hellopink dressed as a linebacker for the Titans.

hgranted_07 didn't dress up, spoilsport.

i_am_a_secret7 dressed as Captain Kirk from "Star Trek".

i_hate_tabatha dressed as a ferret.

iluvthestage dressed as Optimus Prime.

inchfizz dressed as a devil.

inntreble dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Midnight Leader.

jaredlips2706 dressed as a application.

jennay_joe didn't dress up, spoilsport.

jessgotjimmies dressed as the Constant Power Ranger.

juicy_diva dressed as a catcher for the Indians.

justplainryan dressed as a tiger.

light_divining dressed as Courtney Love.

lightboy16 dressed as a new member of the Wu-Tang Clan, Annoying Killer.

lilbethy dressed as Patricia Arquette's sister.

metroidboy86 dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Johanna.

miketwalker86 dressed as a Level 2 bard.

missinnocent452 dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Skipper Pottyhiney".

nick_iz_kool gets drunk, strips naked, and somehow emerges dressed as a ghost.

nocokeforyou dressed as the spirit of their dead grandmother Jaime.

noles87 dressed as Milla Jovovich.

otownsweetie8 dressed as Ozzy Osbourne.

princessleah93 dressed as Optimus Prime.

rabidsquirrel1 dressed as a invitation.

ravenslight dressed as one of the Desperate Housewives riding a penguin.

real_tourniquet dressed as a new superhero: Delta Ninja.

sarcastickiss dressed as Yu-Gi-Oh.

seth_htes dressed as Pink.

shmrckr34 dressed as something happy, but what, specifically, you can't tell.

siyanoq dressed as the love child of Steven Spielberg and Connie Chung.

skyblpnk458 dressed as the main character of "Metropolis".

sonicduck85 dressed as the main character of "Princess Mononoke".

step2urdreams dressed as a Level 4 thief.

suninmouth dressed as a disturbing self-made character called "Flunky Tofunose".

surfluke88 dressed as the Duke of Obotru.

sweetpea_82 forgot to put on clothes!

tablefor1 dressed as your mother-in-law.

terrieractor159 didn't even show up and doesn't get any candy.

thatdramagirl dressed as a urgent passage.

the_joester dressed as Kylie Minogue riding a squirrel.

universalfreak dressed as Andrew Johnson.

unrealbeliefs dressed as the Cardinal of Topleptvac.

usmellikellama dressed as a 1980's yuppie child.

valeriena didn't dress up, spoilsport.

vespersaw dressed as Bob Dylan.

vinex1 dressed as a diplomat from Benin.

xnosilax dressed as the Governor of Hawaii.

xox_bounce_xox dressed as Karl Rove.

xoxocherrybabe dressed as a associate paper pusher.

xoxocutiepie210 dressed as Jennifer Lopez.

xsuperxstarx dressed as a zombie.

xusedxheartx dressed as the Governor of Utah.

xxwndrwmnxx dressed as Mary-Kate Olsen with her very own conjoined Ashley.

xxxeroticaxxx dressed as Mr. Spock from "Star Trek".

yellowroosevelt dressed as the equator.

yohoho87 dressed as a tame goblin.

zombieghoul dressed as a Southtontech employee.

Throw your own party at the Hallomeme!
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