The Benny Vandergast Memorial Theater

May 07, 2007 09:14

Kermit was a little nervous as he approached the band. "Um. Guys? Can I have moment? We seem to be having a problem with Animal."

Dr. Teeth gave Kermit his permanent shiny grin. "Aw, come on Kermit. It's not that big of a deal."

Kermit sighed. "Well, I think Fozzie and the remaining fur on his leg would beg to differ."

"It's not a problem green dude," Floyd said waving his hand dismissively. "Zoot took care of the problem this morning."

"Oh? How's that?" Kermit asked somewhat fearing the answer.

"Zoot sent him off to obedience school this morning. Isn't that right Zoot?"

Zoot gave everyone a blank look before finally realizing he wasn't talking. "Um. Yeah. That's right. I sent him to..."

"Obedience school," Janice supplied helpfully. "Don't you remember Zoot?"

"Where?" Zoot asked.

"Uh-oh," Floyd said shaking his head. "Zoot skipped a groove again."

"Er. Zoot, do you know exactly where you sent Animal?" Kermit asked.

"Oh! Sure!" Zoot said pulling out a brochure. "This place seemed the best school to train animals."

Kermit took a look at the brochure and sighed. "Zoot, that's a high school."

"It won't be a high school when Animal is done with it," Dr. Teeth joked.

All the band members laughed as Kermit started beating his head in against the wall.
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