A Wolf and His Boy - Sterek Fic (Teen Wolf)

Feb 19, 2013 13:16

I''ve got a new story up on AO3, for Teen Wolf, specifically Sterek.

Summary and Cover art under the cut.


While running in the woods, Stiles is attacked by a feral werewolf. This leaves him marked but unclaimed, which makes it open season on Stiles, which means that any wolf can claim him and take him away. Derek presents a solution, but Stiles says the price is too high. After all, it’s only his safety that is at risk, so he can say no. Right? Wrong.

Cover Art:

This entry was originally posted at http://lovesrain44.dreamwidth.org/58579.html.

non-con, slash, ao3, teen wolf, sterek, fic, stiles, derek

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