Breath of Heaven Posted on AO3

Oct 23, 2011 11:35

Breath of Heaven is now posted on AO3.

Dark Shadows is not a fandom where you can find a lot of stories online; as far as I can tell, anyway. Most of the stories are in zines, and most of the stories are about Barnabas and Josette and the rest of the upper crust of Collinsport. Not many are interested in Willie's story, or what's going on with him, or how hard he works while the rest of the gang drinks brandy in the Front Room. Which is a shame, because the dynamics between Willie and Barnabas, or between Willie and Jason McGuire, or, heck, between Willie and any character is far more exciting to watch because Willie has a Big Secret that he has to keep on Pain of Death. Sure, everyone has secrets in Collinsport, but Willie's Big Secret is BIG. And the changes in his character from the time he arrived as a thief to the time he works for Barnabas Collins up at the Old House are riveting. At least to me. Which is probably why I wrote so many stories about him.

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