Ordinary Day Posted on AO3

Oct 23, 2011 10:14

Ordinary Day is now posted on AO3.

Before I wrote fic for Supernatural, I wrote Dark Shadows fic, namely stories about Willie Loomis, who I adored writing about because he's such a mess and can't seem to stay out of trouble.

In that way, he's like Sam, in that when he sees an injustice, he says something about it, even when it will get him in hot water. The difference between Sam and Willie is that Willie is a thief and Sam is a hunter. And Sam is much taller, of course. Plus Sam has Dean to look out for him, and Willie has no one.

I think my years in the Dark Shadows fandom were productive and fun, but they were laced with something sad; Dark Shadows characters are all liars and it's a soap opera so it's all very dramatic and secretive, and I got weary of the lack of love between the characters.

Coming into the world of Sam and Dean was like coming into the light of day; Sam and Dean fight, yes, but they love each other, and they adore Uncle Bobby and Pastor Jim (or they did when he was alive), and they admired Ellen and flirted with Jo, and had a strong father figure in John. That made a nice change from Willie, the lone thief who ends up as Barnabas Collins' only manservant. Alone in The Old House, Willie had to fend for himself, in a house no heat and (arguably) no plumbing. Plus, Barnabas gets frustrated, because coming from 1795 directly into 1967 (which is, oddly, the year the Impala was born), he simply can't understand why Willie doesn't just do as he's told.

The stories I wrote were called "diversions" because we felt that they were so much fun, they were merely diversions from "real" writing. Which is silly because when you write something you LOVE to write, it is real writing, realer than anything else. And they were productive years, I think, so I'll be posting a lot of Dark Shadows stuff on AO3.

This entry was originally posted at http://lovesrain44.dreamwidth.org/51925.html.

upload, ao3, fic, willie loomis, dark shadows

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