Fairy Lights and Desert Water Posted on AO3

Oct 22, 2011 17:16

Fairy Lights and the sequel Desert Water were the first stories I wrote in the Supernatural fandom. I was new to the whole wincest thing, and the show had just ended Season 2, and I was still reeling from Dean making the deal with the crossroads demon. I was determined, as I'm sure were a lot of other fans at the time, to SAVE Dean from hell. It didn't work, but I got these two stories to show for my efforts.

Fairy Lights starts directly after All Hell Breaks Loose - Part 2; and is basically a roadtrip story with a nice twist.
Here's a link to Fairy Lights on live journal.
Here's a link to Fairy Lights on AO3.

Desert Water is a sequel to Fairy Lights and displays my on and off obsession with the deserts of New Mexico and Arizona.
Here's a link to Desert Water on live journal.
Here's a link to Desert Water on AO3.

This entry was originally posted at http://lovesrain44.dreamwidth.org/51236.html.

upload, fairy lights, ao3, desertwater, supernatural, spn

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