Going to ESCAPADE!!

Feb 25, 2010 08:50

My friend amothea and I skipped Escapade last year, not because we didn't want to go, but because we took a road trip across the country and went to Media West - we couldn't afford to do both. Although she and I had a good time, we found MW to be a bit...stodgy and pedantic, in that the vid show was a bust, the art room had NO porn (even though this con touts itself as being slash friendly), and there weren't very many interesting panels. The door decorating thing never happened, plus Lansing is a drag to fly in and out of. But the roadtrip was fun and amothea is the perfect traveling companion in that she let me make all the decisions. : D (Any of her requests were cheerfully granted, of course, but she didn't make very many.) We spent a great many hours, actually, reading the various summaries for the 2009 big bang and making an attempt to determine ahead of time whether we would like them or not. I don't think  I've ever had so much fun, truly.  (This was amothea's idea, as I recall, so many, many props to her.)

So this year, ESCAPADE! We have our own room, our own little vid show (which we'll have in the room over many beers -although the Escapade vid show is perfectly fine - we just love vids!), we have our favorite breakfast place staked out (although we're tempted to see if there are any others just as sweet), and we plan to stuff as much seafood into our mouths as possible. And go to panels! That's the trump card for Escapade (besides the great location, the excuse to go to the coast, the fabulous breakfast on Sunday, the GREAT art show and auction and the wonderful people we always meet there), so that's our pick for this year.

If you're a Numb3rs fan, and you're going, please look me up! Also, SPN fans, Professionals, Starsky and Hutch, Star Trek, all day, all night, all slash. I'm not going to want to come home. : D


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