
Aug 08, 2005 15:16

Dear friends,
It appears a stalker is lurking amoungst you. No, I am not calling you a stalker, but rather I am warning you that someone who seems to be obsessed with and envious of my life may have friended you, unbeknownst to you. This person is quite sad, pitiful and sneaky. And is like a peeping tom watching with beady eyes from behind the fence or like a pervert eavesdropping on the telephone. So, for this reason, I make the majority of my postings private and only perdiodically comment on your journals. It's not about you. It's about my feeling safe.

And to "the stalker". You know who you are. Why not come from behind the curtain and 'fess up? Come on. Get a life. Or rather lead your own life and allow me to enjoy mine own. I am saying this nicely. You don't want me to get ugly, as I can, and once that b*tch w/in is unleashed only my dear sweet Lord will be able to protect you.

Thank you.

Here ends this public service announcement.

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