(no subject)

Nov 08, 2007 19:03

Another of my random updates after being livejournal mia.

I'll be turning 21 on Monday, can't quite believe it. Not sure how I'll be celebrating - no doubt will bar hop with Adam around Wooster or Cleveland or something.

Twin Peaks Gold Edition Box Set is finally out, with the pilot season 1, 2, and tons of extras - oh BOY would i love to have that! *cough cough hint*

Most of my academic work has been funneled away from the majority of my classes and centered onto my junior I.S. My thesis, in a nutshell, is examining Jewish Mysticism, in particular Kabbalah and the sefer ha-Zohar, Yetzirah, and Bahir texts from 6 to 14th C.E. Apart from a general overview of the Sephirot and the mystical Tree of Life, I'm looking at how gender is used within the Tree, the paradox of Shekhinah as the female consort who is both the path to redemption and destruction. Finally, I'm using the theories of Eco, Derrida, and Jung to try to show the validity of 20th century occultic Kabbalism, and the use of "Spiritual Imagination" to deconstruct and modify ancient theology so that it works for the 21st century mystic and/or intellectual. *WHEW*

I am now, as im sure you've guessed, a double major in Theatre and Religious Studies. Lately, I've been contemplating dropping my theatre major and centering on Religous Studies, mainly Judaic studies, jewish mysticism, and the like.

If anyone reading lives back home in Doylestown, I'll be back for Thanksgiving for a few days - cell number is the same.

Wine and blessings,
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