Feb 22, 2004 23:16
okay so yah its been awhile, i apologize for that.. guess it couod be my busyness or my lazyness, id bet on a mixture of both.. yah im sure thats it =P anyways hi, hello, and heey.
today would be ashley[FRITTON] birthday. she had her party thing at 1 today til whenever ppL left.. so yah it wasnt much going on there, but it was pretty nice & fun i guess. we ate so freakin much, but how could we help it, THEY COOKED SOOO MUCH! but it was mm mm good, we had chicken wings, ribs, mac'n cheese, corn on the cob, bake'n beans, deviled eggs, popcorn, not to mention cake and sweets.. lol i feel like a big pig after readin that.. haha, all wells. anyways we watched a couple movies and juss hung around, it was nice.. and she got so much stuff, and ALOT of money too.. lucky her. i gave her; 2 shirts, a pair of pants, and 2 pairs of flipflops AND before i got there i stopped at tacobell and got a soft taco and nacho cheese for part of her present too as a joke b/c were obsessed with tacobell =) but yah i got there at bout 12:30ish prolly earlier and left at about 7ish.. thats long time i was there, but it was fun =) [ HAPPY BIRTHDAY ASHEE, ILY! ]
okay so of course jared was there at ashleys party too, and well he & james[his other brother] was at their brother's, in yulee, all weekend.. from friday afternoon til this[sunday] morning. and when i got there he was like i havent slept in three days and im tired, so i was like okay, im sorry.. and i know he was tired but he was being a huge ass to me, and made some rude comments infront of ppL.. so yah, im not mad at him because he apologized a million times and we talked about it & what not.. but i dont know. =/
ive had that song milkshake stuck in my fucking head for like past week or so.. it wont go away! haha, its annoying. =(
woo, i juss sneezed like 4 times in a row.. ahh. blah
okay i think thats all for now, be lil darlings and leave me a bootiful comment.. and add me if wanted =) i shall try to update more often, love yall. MUAH*