Mar 15, 2003 14:30
Hey guys I just wanted to let everyone know that I'm still alive. Also I got accepted to both of the colleges I applied to (Biola & SDSU) I decided to go to Biola University because it is a christian school and I think that it would be good for me to be in a christian environment. So I will be heading down to Southern California soon. (But not soon enough.)
In other news I am gearing up for me Hawaii trip with the Music Masters. I will be in Hawaii April 8th-14th. My parents are going with the group. I am really excited about going. I just hope that I get better because I've been sick for almost a month and as soon as I get rid of one thing I get another. As long as I can sing for the competition I'll be happy.
I am also going to Nazarene Youth Congress during the summer, which is going to rock! It's going to be in Houston TX! I'm not sure on the dates of that but I think it's in August. That will definately be a life changing experience. I will get to meet people like me from all over the world and hopefully make some lasting friends.
Well I guess I'm going to go for the time being and I'll post again later with some more recent news. I am having the time of my life. Well who wouldn't be? Acceptance to a great Christian college, a loving boyfriend of 15 months, and two great upcoming trips ~sigh~ life doesn't get much better than this.