Finally Leaving! (Left to Right: Ben, Me, Andy)
Pocket Etch-A-Sketch Car Drawing Contest. (From Left to Right- Mine, Andy's, Ben's)
Accidental Coffee Stop in Seattle- Long Story, but it was great. Nice guy gave us free Coffee!
Billy and Laura- These two girls can drink coffee like no one I've ever known.
Seattle. (Laura and Andy)
Our first stop in Cali- The ocean!
Good places are nothing without good people.
Stop #2- The Lighthouse on the cliff.
Backpacking- Possibly the most beautiful day in my memory.
We camped out on the point.
Lunch Break.
Camp- Making a Bow and Arrow
Ben Gathering Firewood
Andy and the Clothesline
It rained... and rained... and rained...
Ben Sewing His Jeans
I spy, with my little eye, something.... orange! THE POOP SHOVEL!!!
Two of the coolest girls on the planet.
The View from Camp
I like to call this mountain, "Do not climb or you will get poison oak and swell up like a pregnant woman eating bad shrimp."
Five wonderful people hanging out in a two person tent. Did I mention that it rained, and rained, and rained...
Billy and Laura
Unexpected hot-tubs at sweet beach houses are the greatest.
The best french impression ever pulled off by a Norwegian.
Ben and Billy
One of the greatest spring breaks of all time. 22 hour drive to N. California (due to a little 3 hour accidental detour to Seattle). Backpacked the coast- camped out there for 3 nights, then returned. Laura's parents had rented an awesome beach house complete with hot tub and awesome leather couches, so we stayed there one night. The rest of the time we pretty much just hung out and stuff. I have more pictures from the redwoods and the ride home- I'll put them up later.