Two more tutorials (I'm on a roll lol). I tried to choose two icons that weren't made following the exact same "method" so that I didn't end up posting the same thing twice. The first one is not exactly an icon (tumblr art) but I had the PSD saved so it made my life a lot easier.
1. Crop your base.
2. Add a new layer and set it to Soft Light, Fill: 88&. Using the brush (#fffed8) draw a light blob on the right sides of their faces.
3. Add a new Curves layer: RGB (Input: 105 Output: 135 and Input: 138 Output: 170) RED (Input: 148 Output: 164 and Input: 166 Output: 178) GREEN (Input: 94 Output: 94 and Input: 136 Ouput: 152 and Input: 153 Output: 195) BLUE (Input: 99 Output: 105 and Input: 145 Output: 159)
4. Add a new Selective Color layer: CYANS (+100 | -19 | -12 | +100), BLUES (+100 | -41 | 0 | +100)
5. Add a new Selective Color layer: REDS (-51 | 0 | -6 | -2), YELLOWS (0 | 0 | +100 | 0), WHITES (0 | 0 | +100 | +73), NEUTRALS (+24 | 0 | -17 | +5). Then using a brush delete the parts of the layer that color the sky.
6. Add a new Vibrance layer (Vibrance: +82% Saturation: +30%)
7. Add a new Selective Color layer: CYANS (+100 | -19 | -12 |+100), BLUES (+100 | -41 | 0 | +100)
8. Duplicate the Selective Color layer from the previous step.
9. Add a new Curves layer: RGB (Input: 113 Output: 144 and Input: 134 Output: 176)
10. Add a new Levels layer: RGB (Input Levels: 15 | 1,00 | 247)
11. Add a new Selective Color layer: REDS (0 | 0 | +21 | -12), YELLOWS (0 | 0 | +100 | -40)
12. Press Ctrl+A and Shift+Ctrl+C (copy merged) and then Ctrl+V twice (pastes the merged layers on top). Set the first layer to Screen: Fill: 7% and the second to Soft Light: Fill: 61%
Done! 1. Crop your base.
2. Add a Vibrance layer (Vibrance: +41 Saturation: +31) and set to Fill: 64%
3. Add a new layer and set it to Screen. Using the brush (#56aaff) draw a light blob on the upper right side of the icon.
4. Add a new Curves layer: RGB (Input: 66 Output: 146 and Input: 79 Output: 174)
5. Duplicate the Curves layer and set Fill: 10%
6. Add a new Curves layer: RED (Input: 135 Output: 126 and Input: 151 Output: 146) GREEN (Input: 143 Output: 114 and Input: 152 Output: 133) BLUE (Input: 128 Output: 142 and Input: 158 Output: 156)
7. Duplicate the previous Vibrance layer and put it on top of all layers, set to Fill: 100%
8. For more contrast you can add a black blob on the left side of the icon, set to Soft Light.