Second attempt at a tutorial

May 16, 2010 18:31

I've been asked about my blue-ish coloring so I thought I'd attempt another tutorial. Of course the result will not be 100% the same since I don't have the PSD (I need a second hard drive yeah) but I think it's close enough? Without further ado, the tutorial for this icon:

1. Crop your base.

2. Duplicate layer and set to Screen, Fill: 39%

3. Add a new Hue/Saturation layer: MASTERS (Saturation: -9), and then press Ctrl+E (the layer will be merged with the screen layer)

4. Add a new Curves layer: RGB (Input: 117 Output: 178)

5. Add a new Levels layer: RGB (Input Levels: 6 | 1,00 | 230)

6. Add a new Color Balance Layer with "Preserve Luminocity" checked: SHADOWS (0 | -21 | +13), MIDTONES (-10 | +8 | +18), HIGHLIGHTS (0 | +9 | +14)

7. Add a new Selective Color layer: REDS (+20 | -5 | -12 | -14), BLUES (+100 | -50 | -10 | +48), NEUTRALS (0 | 0 | -7 | 0), BLACKS (-3 | 0 | -5 | 0)

8. Add a new Selective Color layer:  REDS (+22 | 0 | 0 | -5), BLUES (+100 | -12 | +5 | +100),  BLACKS (-5 | 0 | -5 | 0)

And voila!

Since the time I made this icon my style has kinda evolved (I hope?) so it's not just these layers. For examples these icons follow the same method up to a point. Then saturation layers, whom I've grown to love veeery much, come into play. And then maybe some more selective coloring (I also love playing with the whites in one image),


Anyway, I hope this was helpful enough :D


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