The beauty of grace is that it makes life not fair

Jul 31, 2005 20:36

SO has anyone started that IB history summer homework? or better yet do any of you no longer sunset students have their binders that they wish to hand over? PLEASE? i would really appreciate it.

anyways i leave in exactly 34 hours and 23 minutes. oh gosh i should really start packing. i actually really love packing, you just get so excited for what lies ahead. oh and trust me, i'm deffinetly excited. well in a few minutes i will be leaving for jills for the night. Then tomorrow i have to leave bright and early to go for ESS (basically like track conditioning) ugh. after showering and such i'm going out with dean cause i haven't seen him all summer! i know a serious shame. then i think i'm hanging out with kevin, then a TON of packing needs to be done because i haven't started. Then i'm going out to dinner with natalie because i'm going to miss her :-/.

welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll call me tomorrow if you wish to see me before i head out. loves!

God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot

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