Jul 09, 2005 11:49
lets see, fourth of july was good. kind of just hung around the house then set off fireworks with matt and the neighbors. tuesday i hung out with natalie and we had a picnic at the park. although it was wendy's but that's okay. because we love wendy's. OH i got pulled over and it was the scariest thing ever. so here's the story:
well tuesday i was driving around with my mom to the insurance company and to school to pick up grades.(it was deffinetly not good to be back). and when we were coming out of sunset there were cops EVERYWHERE three at mcdonalds, two coming out of the donut store and one circling the gas station. i was like WTF. and then there were three holding a guy at gunpoint at the gas station right next to school. ohhh helllll. yeah meth addict is what first came to my mind too. so i dropped my mom off and i went off to natalies. and right after the second stop sign on cornell towards leahy a cop puts on his siren... i was like, FUCK my parents are going to kill me. and so nervous as hell i rolled down my window as the cop approached my car, shining the flashlight in my car. and he goes "can i see your license and registration please" oh em gee i was soo scared at this point. and he could oviously tell that i was about to pee my pants so he just said "don't worry you didn't do anything wrong and he held up this sketch of this really SKETCH guy who just looked like a pedifile that you see on tv and he asked me if i had seen him. i said no, he gave me back my license, told me i could go on my way, shined his light in my car one last time, and went back to his car and took off. OH HELL. scariest moment of my life. okay one of them.
i deffinetly got to natalie's and locked all the doors just in case. ummm i went home early cause i had to get up at 530 the next day to take my dad to work. ick. so wednesday got up at 530. took my dad to work. the only people there were the ones at the gym. retarded. then i came home, fell asleep for 30 minutes, got up at about 7ish after laying in bed for a while, got my stuff together, ate breakfast. left at 830 to go to hawthorn farms. ugh hard day there and i could tell i was going to be sore cause carl made me work on my hips to make them stronger and actually be able to heal one day. then at like 3 i went to christas after dropping off the jeep. spent the night there. ohh good times. thursday i came home at like noon, picked up the jeep. eboni came over. hung out with her. spent THREE HOURS at the nike store. yeah i know insane. saw scott talked with him at taylor. then went out to dinner with her. saw tracy, haven't seen her in a LONG time. came home at midnight went to bed. woke up friday late and just barely made it to hawthorn farms in time. i had to run a lap for being late. g-reat. showered. drove home. why the hell was it raining was all i could think about. my mother proceeded to fight me about that i couldn't go to drum corp even though she told me i could a week ago. yay parents. ha no. yeah i was super mad but whatever. we went BACK TO THE NIKE STORE for another hour. ugh i never thought i would tired of that store, but i did.however we did see micheal vick. and i hung out with reggie theus' daughter. she is SO nice. but she has 7 pairs of uggs and i have none. out to dinner. rode around with matt after i got everyone off to the airport. hmmm skyline at night. and now i just woke up and it's great.
wow long entry. oh well. have a splendid day.