Conforming is fun!

Jan 24, 2007 17:44

After much pondering and putting-off, I have succumbed to the inevitable and did the "Deathly Hallows" meme. I know, I'm such a conformist! ;)

The Deathly Hallows Meme
Are you going to look at every possible spoiler you can before the book comes out? Did you with HBP and how accurate were the ones you saw?

As I was not wholly obsessed at the time, only an avid fan, and away during the summer of its release, I paid little more attention to Half-Blood Prince’s spoilers than I would to an ant (actually, being the squeamish person I am, I’d probably pay a lot of attention to an ant… Attention meaning panicked screaming :P).
As for DH, I will most definitely be looking out for spoilers, but as a caution. I do not want to find out anything else hardly about the book until I read it for myself. I’m really one for surprises! Speculation, however, I welcome with open arms :) I love to speculate, and I encourage it. Theories on who will die, anyone? ;)

What will you do if Amazon (or whomever) doesn't deliver your copy on time, and everyone is reading it except you?

If I pre-order it at all, it’ll be from Barnes and Noble or Borders or wherever I’m going for the ‘big night.’ I’m pretty sure everyone else is going to finish it before me, though, as I think I’m going to read it at a slow, leisurely pace - as to not let it go by too fast, you know? Imean, there’s no other book after this! Might as well savor it, right?

Will you read the last chapter before anything else? Are you planning to read the book all in one go or are you a slow reader?

Hell no!!

What's your theory on the meaning of "Deathly Hallows?"

Oh God, there are so many… Let’s see, for one there’s always the definition of ‘hallow’ to take into consideration - to make holy. Hmm, what could that signify? There’s also Halloween/All Hallows Eve to ponder about. Halloween was the night James and Lily were murdered/Voldemort’s fall from power. An altogether significant event, no? JKR has also made several other significant events occur on said holiday, so I’m pretty certain something important will happen on this day in DH. All Hallows Eve is also the day ‘in which the veil between the two worlds (dead and living) is thinnest’ and the dead return to walk amongst the living or something. Could this be of significance to the book?
Also (and here’s a biggy), the Four Hallows of the Arthurian legend coincide well with the supposed Horcruxes of the four Founders. I’d rather not go into the whole of it here, but if someone wants it explained, let me know and I’ll make a post dedicated solely to that/my theories :)

What's the craziest Harry Potter theory you've got, which you could only share with your trusted f-list?

There really isn’t one too terribly insane… Not Snape/Lily, ‘cause I’m hoping that was canon once upon a time and not Snape/Hermione, cuz everyone knows about that… That’s no secret... Besides what’s so crazy about it? ;)

If you could write in a sub-plot of your own choosing to the main Harry one, what would it be?

The Snape/Lily romance. (That is, if JKR doesn’t beat me to it ^_~ It was so canon… I know it.)
Or that incredible growing infatuation of Hermione’s with her dark and mysterious Potions master… :D

Who do you think will die in the book, and who would you be most upset to see die, even if you don't think it's likely?

Voldemort, of course, but I think Harry will go down with him. Wormtail’s gonna sacrifice himself for Harry, repaying his blood debt (but Harry’s still gonna die. It’s a literary device, Jo has to kill off Harry to stop other authors from continuing his story after she stops). Ron might die, but I don’t think so. Draco’s going to die.

I hope to God Lupin or Snape don’t die. I’ll cry a river (more for Snape) if they die. Lupin is Harry’s last real connection to his parents, and his relationship with Tonks just got underway. It would be cruel to kill him off.

And there are so many reasons I love Snape, I couldn’t name them all… He’s such an incredible character, I’d so hate to see him go… :’(

Name three main (ish) characters who you think will definitely live and why. Is there a very minor character(s) you really want to have a happy ending?

Hermione, Minerva, Ginny. Hermione, because she’s got the brains and she doesn’t seem the type who’d be killed off, you know? I don’t know, it’s hard to explain. Imean, I could see Ron going, or Harry (sure I’d cry prolly, but I think it’s inevitable), just - not Hermione.
Minerva, because, second to Dumbledore, she’s basically untouchable. Dumbledore had to die (it was planned of course!), but Minerva? I can hardly imagine her and Snape had the same relationship as Snape/Dumbledore, you know? Dunno, I guess I have the same feeling about McGonagall as I do Hermione.
Ginny… Do I really have to have a reason? Come on, there’s no way JKR would be that heartless!

I think Filch is going to have a happy rest-of-his-life. Don’t ask me why, but I think so.

If you don't like the book, or are bitterly disappointed by it, do you think you'll still stay in the fandom?

I highly doubt anything could keep me out of the fandom. Even if the series ends in a bad way (i.e. Snape dies and it turns out he was evil ^_~) I don’t think it’d ruin my love for Potterverse and everything in it. AU baby!! :D

One word (or concise) answers only!

If Harry could take just one adult Order of the Phoenix member with him on the search for Horcruxes, who should it be and why?

Snape Lupin.

Will Remus and Greyback have a confrontation in human or werewolf form? Will Tonks be involved? Who will the other werewolves support?

It’s never occurred to me, but now that I think about it, I think there’s a pretty safe bet that there will be some form of confrontation between the two, though in human form and perhaps in Harry’s sight? The series is from Harry’s POV, so either Harry will personally experience it, or Lupin will tell him the tale some place, all hoarse and quiet-like-Lupin-like, really :) I doubt he’d be in werewolf form because of Lupin’s disliking of the disease. I don’t think it’d bode too well for him if it was at the full moon because that doesn’t symbolize him as a person. If Tonks is involved, it’d be because Greybeck was after her and Remus does the heroic no-don’t-go-for-her-go-for-me-instead deal. He really needs his chance to shine. It’s been all angst for him basically since James and Lily were murdered. Him, Snape, and Harry need to have an emo contest. XP

Who is the person from Harry's class (and it isn't him, Ron or Hermione), who will become a Hogwarts teacher? What subject will they teach?

If he doesn’t become an Auror, Neville’s going to become the next Herbology teacher.

Do you think Harry will observe Remus looking less lined and walking with a little more of a spring in his step? If so, do you think he'll attribute it to Tonks, and if he does, will he blush?

I agree with subvers. She said I don’t think Remus will look less careworn; if anything, he will be more so, because now he has a new responsibility. I think Harry will know that Remus is now concerned about Tonks in a new way, because he will be able to relate, due to his own feelings for Ginny. I don’t think he will blush. Nothing else to add, really. She nailed it spot-on.

Will Ginny use, "But Professor Lupin saw the futility of being a noble prat!" for one of her million arguments with Harry about why they should be together? Do you think they'll get back together at all?

No, I think she understands and respects his reasons and will just have to do a bit more waiting before they can be romantically involved again. (If Harry lives, that is.) That’s not to say that I don’t think she won’t help with the search for the Horcruxes, ‘cause I think she will.

Which house do you think Tonks is in, and why? Is she going to morph into someone important and who will it be?

Somehow, I’m leaning away from Slytherin and more towards Gryffindor… Just a hunch XP

Who will be revealed to be the heir of Gryffindor?

Harry, duh. :P
That was the whole thing with Gryffindor’s sword, right?

As JKR has promised the final chapter will be like an epilogue; how do you think the final paragraph (hopefully) donated to Remus' future, and/or Tonks', and/or anyone else you want to write a paragraph on, will read?

God, I have no idea… Never put any thought into this actually… Hmm. I suppose I’d want it to do with the surviving characters’ lives afterwards or the significance those that passed played. Yeah. Or all those questions Dumbledore’s raised in us fans that weren’t answered in list format lol.

Which question from the books would it annoy you most not to have answered?

The enigma that is Snape, of course (where are his loyalties? What personal risks? Why did Dumbledore trust him? JKR said he’s been loved, but by whom?). Was DD’s death a plan? <-- That’s a big one for me.

What do you think the last line of the book is?

I haven’t and don’t want to put much thought into it. I’m happy just knowing that the last word is ‘scar.’ I haven’t put much thought into the rest of the sentence, I just want to read it when it comes out.

I have so many mixed feelings about book seven, you know? Imean, on one hand I really want it to come out, but I also don't. I mean, then the series is over, you know? There'll be know more fandom-wide speculation and intense waiting... I dunno, I'm torn. January came and now it seems bk 7 (though if she’s still writing, what are the odds that that it’ll be released this summer now? I’m getting worried we’ll have to wait another year!) and movie 5 aren't that far off... Sweeney Todd and Nobel Son, as well!

And has anyone noticed that info on OotP has dwindled slim to none recently? Imean, the trailer came out and there were all these spoilers and sneek peeks and hype and all, but now... There's practically nothing going on now relating to Movie five... What's up?

harry potter, loverly flist, snape my snarky love!, meme, book 7, sweeney todd, happy me, hp - movie 5, speculation? speculation

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