Keeping up and keeping track

Mar 07, 2013 13:59

- Just caught up on my Flist, and in doing so found Archive of our Own, a fic/art/etc archive. Anyone know anything about it? I'm planning on looking into the stuff on there just as soon as I finish reading everything I've bookmarked on FFN, Petulant Poetess, and Sycophant Hex.

- What happened to OWL?? When did it shut down?

- Any recs for good comms/feeds/journals?

- I'm trying to keep track of what I've read lately and what I'm liking. I'm going to use LJ as a means of doing that; that way I'll be able to rec AND have a good list all in one fell swoop! And I'm ALWAYS open to recs for good stuff!

- Just watched Micmacs, a French movie about a guy with a bullet in his head. I loved loved loved it!! Super worth checking out, especially if you love a great set, whimsical script, and excellent filming.

fics and the like..., recs, fandom, harry potter, lj's a bitch, loverly flist, hp

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