May 06, 2007 17:25

I'm so excited, I've signed up for round three of hp_lims. I'm really not in it to win anything (cuz there are SO many fabulous iconners there!), more to just get practice, feedback, and my icons out there, you know? So yes, I'm excited to see how it all plays out. It took me a bit to get inspired for the first challenge, but I've created an icon I'm fairly proud of ^_^ (OMG though. I had to remake it like three times because of the laptop randomly shutting off! D: WHAT THE EFF?! lmao)

Okay guys. So basically, Snow Cake was fabulous. Like actually. You should all see it. Alan was incredible (of course) and Marina and I could hardly contain are fangirling xDD. I think I love Vivienne, she was so adorable ^.^ I definitely almost cried after she died. :( (It's not a spoiler, it's in the trailer T_T) And me and iemaytch have both agreed that we hate Carrie-Anne Moss. >.< lol. But seriously, I think it'd be so fabulous if Sigourney Weaver was nominated for Best Actress for next year's Oscars, or even Golden Globes. She was absolutely spectacular. (Marina, what was the line we totally flipped out over?? I can't rememeber! D8) It was just a bit random... Like, not the plot or anything, but just some of the shots and some of the scenes... Those of you who've seen it will know what I mean, right? Like the cinematography kinna reminded me of Eragon's... Cept not as bad xP All in all, though, for an independant film it was positively FABULOUS! Alan how are you so incredibly beautiful? I'm trying to keep down my fangirlish squeeing; I think I'm doing a lovely job, don't you? xD

You know, cleaning the house is one of those things you (a)have to be in the mood for, and (b)you realize once you're doing it that it's really fulfilling. You feel so accomplished afterwards! :D (And dontcha just love the weekend? I've been in my pjs all day! :D)

iemaytch, I love your house. Like actually. Your views, your room omg! It's basically fabulous. (And I &hearts granite counters LOLZ)

OH! Question to those writers out there... Like, I sent something to a beta and just got it back. The comments are...interesting, and I'm not so sure if I want to keep her or not... Like - for those of you who read Angel -you know the exchange in the beginning where Hermione tells Ron he has no excuse to act so rudely, and Ron's like "We're at Hogwarts, that's not public!" Okay, I thought it was really obvious that that was irony; a joke. Obviously my beta didn't catch that. T_T Among a lot of other stuff... And she just doesn't seem to really get it, if you know what I mean. So... My question to you all is: How do I turn her down without being rude? Thanks bunches in advance.

Sundaes tonight, baby!

*grumble grumble*, harry potter, loverly flist, ss/le fics, pimp, fics and the like..., squee!!!, happy me, icons, my fics, alan the wonderful, rambles, speculation? speculation

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