.the mundane;
» Name: Ana
» Journal:
bogenvelia» Contact: inquinare @ AIM
.the myth;
» God: Eros
» Reference:
Here and
here.» Family: { mother & father } Aphrodite | Ares ; { spouse } Psyche (non-applicable in game)
» Played By:
Jeremy Sumpter. » Human Alias: Oliver Hart.
» Human Age: Sixteen or so.
» God of: Sensual love and beauty.
» Flair: Not only does Oliver excel when it comes to making people crave his company, but he's incredibly gifted in the delicate art of mental seduction. Oh, yes, he's used to getting what he wants when he wants it.
» Flair Type: Continuous.
» Fitting in: Studying at high school, but has a part time job helping out at a retirement home.
» Weakness: Eros' main weakness probably lies within his childishness. Like a stubborn infant, when he's made his mind up it's near impossible to change it, and he doesn't like to admit that he's wrong even when all evidence proves otherwise. Although he doesn't care for discipline (motherly or otherwise) he has absolutely no qualms with throwing tantrums to get his own way; he's very difficult to console when worked up with frustration or grief, but a few sharp words can have him silenced in an instant.
Additionally, Eros is surprisingly naive when it comes to mortals. It's simply not in his nature to envision evil in anything; he's lived a life of love, lightheartedness and joy, and doesn't truly understand the nature of wickedness. Unfortunately, this means that he's fairly malleable and an easy-to-use pawn both for business and pleasure; even his own mother is seen using him to a certain extent when she orders him to play a part in her planned downfall of Psyche.
» History: Although there are several different tales telling of Eros' birth, I'd like to follow the idea that he was one of the six offspring produced by the love affair of Ares and Aphrodite. Awed by her strength, beauty and grace - and rightly so - he decided to attend to his mother, and became the primary winged messenger of lust and love that she would use to help the mortal world flourish. With his magic arrows he encouraged humans to fall in love and animals to mate; anything to help Aphrodite keep youth and beauty alive on the Earth below. When he wasn't piercing hearts Eros liked to spend his time having as much fun as possible; he enjoyed taking part in a whole range of different sports, teasing the Gods and Goddesses by invoking either passion or frustration with his good looks and practical jokes, and surrounding himself with art and beauty.
All things considered, the heartache that was to strike a little later in life was entirely the fault of his mother's jealousy. Had she not used him in part of her plot to get rid of Psyche, the mortal girl whom Aprhodite saw as a severe threat, then the two young lovers would never have met in the first place! Enraged that her impressionable worshippers were abandoning her altar to seek out the snow-white beauty of the young maiden, Aphrodite arranged to have Eros pierce the sleeping Psyche's heart with one of his arrows ... after making sure that she would wake to an ugly creature, entirely inappropriate to fall in love with.
I'd like to take him from the point where he creeps into Psyche's room under cover of invisibility, just before accidentally scratching himself on the golden arrow. Now, as a mortal child in the modern world, he's taken a keen interest in classical literature, theatre and artists, as well as proving himself an excellent asset to the team on Sports Day at school!
» Personality: Eros oozes an forbidden, tempting, and wholly innocent kind of sexuality for one so young. Perhaps it's something to do with his confidence, the way he carries himself, or maybe even the way he talks ... it's unmistakable; those cobalt blue eyes are hooks straight to the heart, and the coquettish little thing likes nothing more than to toy with the poor souls - mortal and immortal alike - who fall under his spell. He has little shame, few inhibitions and lives his life entirely for enjoyment: he's a thrill seeker and he doesn't try to hide it behind social propriety or conformity. Eros the God tamed lions and tigers, swayed the Deities with his sexual radiance and took sport in fighting the monsters of the sea; unfortunately, Manhattan is a little lacking in sea monsters, but Eros the Human has definitely found other means of enjoying himself.
Unsurprisingly enough, he's discovered that he doesn't necessarily need to use magic arrows to encourage mortals to fall in love. He's always enjoyed meddling with other people's love and sex lives, whether it be revealing to them their heart's deepest romantic desires, or piercing them with the all consuming arrow of sexual lust. Learning how to make do without his Godly tools has been excellent fun for the wicked blonde ...
A fun little misadventure to fill in some time.
-Be as that may, Eros is an intensely passionate creature who never gives anything less than his all, and it should go without saying that he burns deeply for those he holds dear. When he loves, he loves with every fiber of his being. When he feels sorrow, his melancholy is crystalline and pure. Yes, he may occasionally overstep his bounds when it comes to practical jokes and pranks, but he would never intentionally cause malicious upset or distress to anyone that he cares about ... his mother in particular. God or not, he is still her child, and he certainly isn't too old to be given a good spanking before being dumped in the naughty corner. He can be quite immature when he wants to be and, as demonstrated in the tale of Eros and Psyche, he isn't above throwing tantrums to get his own way; however whether or not anyone takes heed of them is an entirely different matter.
Although he's appraised as the Deity of sexual love, desire, fertility, love between men and beauty, Eros is not as romantically promiscuous as one might assume. He enjoys to flirt and chase as well as being flirted with and chased himself, and has made a habit of declaring himself in love at least twice a week ... but it's all harmless fun, isn't it? He enjoys the attention from males and females alike, but it takes someone truly special to capture his heart (without the use of any arrows, thank you very much) and win his honest, loving affection.
» Sample Journal: Dear Journal,
I'm in love! His name is Simon and he's the most beautiful creature that I've ever laid eyes on - far lovelier than Natasha, of last week, and Matilda the week before. Perhaps I'll see if he'd like to accompany me to the ice rink tomorrow afternoon, so that I can hold him by the hand and have him catch me when I fall ...
Oh, to have him love me in return! That would be such fun, don't you think?
» Sample Roleplay: The day had been dragging on far too slowly for Eros’ liking. He didn't have any problems with attending the high school - quite the opposite in fact, he thought that it was good fun to play the part of a mortal child - but he was in firm agreement with the rest of the class when they said that, really, that double history on Friday afternoons was downright cruel. A blanket of disinterested silence had long since smothered the lackluster students and tucked itself in neatly around the edges; if he strained hard enough, he could just about hear the tick, tick, tick of the clock hanging above the whiteboard at the front of the classroom.
How perfectly dull!
Eyes dropping to his half-hearted attempt at an essay on ... something or other, Eros tucked a lock of wavy blonde hair back behind his ear and slipped the tip of his ballpoint pen between plush lips. However, it soon connected with the top left hand of the page and began twirling this way and that in a tiny doodle; absent of mind, the rolling dreamscape of his subconscious began to pour out into reality through the medium of black ink. A shapely leg, and then another, strong arms, the dip of a back, delicate hands, a heaving bosom, a huge, throbbing-
"... Oliver? Oliver!" An urgent whisper pierced through the bubble of his dreamy reverie, much to his chagrin.
"... Audrey? Audrey!" He echoed playfully as he lifted an eyebrow at the spluttering girl; her cheeks had flushed a rather fetching shade of beet-red and she seemed somewhat at a loss for words. "What's wrong?"
"What're you drawing? W-We're supposed to be writing the ..."
Eros glanced back down to his page, suddenly understanding why his poor partner seemed so flustered. A gloriously explicit depiction of two lovers spanned the paper in front of him; flush bodies writhing against one another in the throes of coital ecstasy-
And it wasn’t half bad, in his humble opinion.
“I …” Eros giggled and folded the paper in half, then in half again. “Oh, it’s nothing, just an idea I had for an art project,” he whispered, offering her a bright smile before reaching out to gently smooth a few strands of hair back from her face. “I think that Love is a fascinating topic, don’t you?”