I am: tired
I love: my friends
I hate: being alone
I fear: my father
I hope: that one day things will work out
I hear: my radio
I crave: fun
I regret: almost everything i do. i act, then think, NOT SMART
I cry: All the time. Way too often. 2 days ago
I care: about way too many people
I always: procrastinate
I believe: that if you work hard enough you'll get it all.
I feel alone: every day
I listen: too well. Theres never a moment for me to say anything.
I hide: so much. I have so many different sides. No one knows anything.
I drive: really really fast
I sing: really bad in the
car. lol :-D
I write: everyday. Its my escape the only thing i'm good at
I run: at soccer practice. WAY TOO MUCH
I miss: Someone special. alot. *cries*
I learn: new things every day
I feel: hopeful
I know: that I don't know everything
I say: too much. i say too much and i dont think. honesty sucks.
I succeed: haha when i try...I mean...NEVER lol
I dream: daydream believer (yes my whole life is a dream)
I wonder: where will I be in 10 years
I want: to be special
I have: friends
I give: not alot. I should try harder
I recieve: nothing in return
I fight: when i'm in a bad move
I need: someone.