(no subject)

Jun 27, 2005 21:07

The Favorites, Have-You-Evers.. and Last Times! Oh, the variety!

Created by -ambiguous and taken 58814 times on bzoink!
What is your favorite..gumbig redrestaurantnew hong kongdrinkjones blue bubble gum soda seasonspringtype of weatherworm with no sun emotionemotionlessthing to do on a half daygo to a friends houselate-night activitytvsportnonecitydont have onestorehot topicWhen was the last time you..criedtodayplayed a sportwho knowslaughed2 days agohugged someone.......i have no cluekissed someonei dont rememberfelt depressedtodayfelt elatedhuh?felt overworkedi dont knowfaked sick.......sometime during school liedidkWhat was the last..word you saidworkingthing you atechinese foodsong you listened to"u had a bf who looked like a gf that i had in febuary of last year" it was that songthing you drankchoclate mildplace you went tomistsmovie you sawhouse of waxmovie you rentedfat albertconcert you attendedthe school choir concert thingyWho was the last person you..huggedi dont knowcried overmy momkissedidk danced withkoryshared a secret withbrittany r.had a sleepover withmistcalledangeleswent to a movie withmist and her sis brittanysawmy parental unit i have to call dadwere angry withsame as abovecouldn't take your eyes off ofjessica that little slut one day im gonna knock the shit ouit of her!obsessed overidkHave you ever..danced in the raini dont think sokissed someoneyadone drugsnodrank alcoholyaslept aroundno lolpartied 'til the sun came upyahad a movie marathonnogone too far on a dare.....huh?spun until you were immensely dizzyyestaken a survey quite like this beforeno
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