Bored as Hell!!!!!!!!!

Mar 21, 2005 01:49

chrisal is being a cranky pants right now and she just fell asleep. the last 2 days, her mother woke us up to go eat in other words, make me fatter, and I hate being woken up especially by the telephone. So I am really pissed off cause it is spring break and I was planning on having a good time sleeping cause I like to sleep till 2 but I never get to anymore. and if I end up going to flagstaff which I don't know if I will cause I won't last 5 days in a freakin' boring city but anyways if I do end up going I won't get sleep there either so in other words I am fucked. I should take advantage of my sleep while she actually is asleep. It's like the one night I am not tired she actually is for once
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