
Mar 04, 2005 09:15

once again i have the computer with the messed up space bar... so here goes last night i was really sad like i went to see my therapist and she always makes me sad b/c i never really notice whats going on in my life until she points out how bad it is and im like dude ur not su[pposed to make me feel worse and i was pissed at my mom b/c she always makes excuses and im pissed b/c i cant understand the people in my life and shit is happening so fast prom is next week! and the more i look at my dress the happier i get its a very nice dress just hanging there... and i have the perfct jewelry set and i hope everything turns out great BUT i still have no clue what we are gonna do afterewards which is kinda gay i was thinking that maybe my house but my mom was like NO and i still need shoes god damn it! so im at school and this is boring at least its friday i think im gonna go visit my dad after work i love being there and chilling with him hes a cool guy if i was 45 and was a guy he would be my best friend my legs have been hurting alot this weekend and i think i have that after period cramp so lately ive been missing alot of school b/c cuz its kinda hard when u have a car u only have two classes and ure up every night till 12 so going to school has not been the option that i have been picking lately not to mention that im sick with a sinus infections that makes me sound like i sucked on helium ok im gonna go play a game now cuz im bored. to be continued....
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