Threadjacking: Within reason but when in doubt, ask first!
Backtagging: Absolutely!
Casual Touching/Hugging: : Clint’s a pretty tactile kind of guy so he’ll be okay with it within reason. Cute girls obviously more welcome than guys but he’s not above a bro!hug
Kissing:: Some CR is preferred required unless it’s for a one-off meme. The guy’s spent his adult life fighting so it tends to make him a little jumpy when people just swoop in and lay one on him!
Sex: Definitely ask ahead of time unless it’s for a sexy-meme then we’ll go with the flow. Clint’s probably going to fall on the more vanilla side of things but ask first just to be safe!
Relationships: Friendships? Hell yes, Clint’s a friendly type of guy who likes to make friends. Romance? He’s still kind of in love with his ex-wife but it’s not outside of the realm of possibility with enough CR and time.
Punching/Fighting: Clint’s a highly trained fighter and a former circus acrobat. He’ll be hard to land a punch on but is prone to just the same physical weaknesses as a regular human being.
Death: Ask first, please. He’s already died a couple of times and the dude is a mite twitchy!
Anything Else: The mun is pretty laid about and willing to discuss or plot just about anything else. Drop ‘em a PM and let’s get to building fun, fun, CR!