Pokemon and Pack

Jun 08, 2030 23:32


Age: 26
Sex: Male
Affiliation: Team Rocket


-- 1 Team Rocket Official Uniform
-- Bought a new pair of clothing
-- 1 PokéGear
-- 5 Potions
-- 1 Repel, 1 MaxRepel
-- 1 Escape Rope
-- 4 PokéBalls
-- 3 changes of undergarments
-- 1 12oz bottle of liquid soap
-- 1 8oz bottle of shampoo; 1 8oz bottle of conditioner
-- 1 washcloth, 2 towels (one small, one larger), 1 toothbrush, 1 travel-sized pack of toothpaste
-- Trail Mix
-- Team Rocket Guide
-- Letter from the Boss

Current Party

Move Set:
Quick Attack Rovina
Absol | Dark | Super Luck
Disaster PokémonLvL .14 | ♀ | NaughtyThoughts: First Pokemon and seems to share the like of causing trouble like his master.
「Favorite flavor: spicy; Disliked flavor: bitter.」

Move Set:
Focus Energy
Double Kick
Poison Sting Spike
Nidoran ♂ | Poison | Rivalry
Poison Pin PokémonLvL .13 | ♂ | SeriousThoughts: Found the thing when it was stuck in a tree trunk...it's a little special. He also has a bite mark in his ear he must have received from a predator.
「Favorite flavor: sweet; Disliked flavor: bitter.」

Move Set
Wrap, Leer, Thunder Wave, Twister, Dragon Rage, Slam, Agility, Dragon Tail, Aqua Tail, Dragon Rush, Safeguard, Dragon Dance, Outrage Princessa
Dragonair | Dragon | Shed Skin
Dragon PokémonLvL .65 | ♀ | Naughty Thoughts: Given back by Killua Seems to act a lot like Bel~「Favourite flavour: spicy; Disliked flavour: sweet.」

Move Set
Scratch, Defense Curl, Sand Attack, Poison Sting, Rapid Spin, Swift, Fury Swipes, Rollout, Crush Claw, Fury Cutter, Sand Tomb Riccio
Sandslash | Ground | Sand Veil
Mouse PokémonLvL .39 | ♂ | Bold Thoughts: Got it as a gift from a trainer, it seems to be more of the loyal type and tends to turn his nose up to Bel's Actions.「Favourite flavour: sour; Disliked flavour: spicy.」

pokemon, ic!

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