Favourite Pairings Top 3

Sep 08, 2010 22:57

Everyone has their favorite pairing right? hehe
well here is my top 3 and I know there is a lot of Yoona parings (all of them), but thats because I love her :) <3
And if there were future interactions between these couples, you'll know I'll die from the spazzing xD

1. Yoona and Donghae (Yoonhae)
why? Because they are the most gorgeous, secretive couple I have ever lied my eyes on! And if they were dating for real, i would die from over spazzing!

They are definitely my OTP!

2. Yoona and Kyuhyun (KyuYoona)
Why? Because I love how these two tease each other on stage, with their interactions and cute smiles at each other.

I would love to read more fan fics about them... but there isn't much... so I think I'm going to dedicate one to this special couple! <3

3. Yoona and Leeteuk (YoonTeuk)
Why? Because I love these best friends! How they not far behind each other and they would always have each others' back.

"You cry, I cry. You laugh, I laugh. If someone tells you they like you, I won't let you listen to their nonsense."'

snsd, kyuhyun, donghae, leeteuk, super junior, yoona

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