Tutorial #3

Oct 20, 2008 19:53


Made with PS CS2

1. Curves layer;
RGB: Input: 159 - Output: 181
Red: Input: 92 - Output: 93
2. Selective Coloring:
Reds: -39, 0, 0, -14
Yellows: +11, 0, -35, 0
Whites: +100, 0, 0, 0
Neutrals: +10, -12, -15, 0
3. Duplicate the 2nd step, set it to 50%
4. Hue/Saturation:
Saturation: +30
Lightness: +5
5. Duplicate step 4, set to Exclusion at 18%
6. Photo Filter:
Filter: Red
Density: 25%
7. Add some text and you're done :)
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