Well, this is nice

Jan 21, 2010 00:15

As if this winter hadn't been a big enough pain in the ass, I awoke to a nice sheet of ice on everything. (In all fairness, the forecast warned of this!)

It's pretty - at least it has that going for it.

We lost power this evening. Inconveniently it occurred just as I had tossed my egg noodles into the broth for supper. (Electric stove, wouldn't you know?) Luckily, there was a nearly full tank of propane in the barbecue grill and I stood outside in the freezing rain to finish cooking. I think it tasted especially wonderful after half-freezing my ass off to make it.

Luckily, our lights were back on by 9:30 tonight; it didn't even have a chance to get that cold in the house. I really feel for some of the 24,000 people around the state right now who won't have theirs on for a day or two. Sometimes there is a benefit to living in the city. (Of course, if I lived in the country, it might be easier to get a permit for a fireplace or wood-burning stove!)

In any event, I will be so happy when it's finally spring.
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