BOOKLIST for 2009

Jan 01, 2010 13:25

I want to try and read 50 books this year
1. The Summoning by Kelly Armstrong - 390 pages-Got from Library-Finished 12/31(I'm counting this one)

10 out of 10, I recommend this book, The next one in the series is The Awakening
 Summary: A girl gets sent to a crazy house bc she is seeing ghosts. She ends up in a house with a bunch of other kids with other powers and they team together to try and figure out what they are and how to escape the faith of being kept in the Lyle House or being killed off by the facility owners. 
PROS: I liked how she described how she saw the ghosts and the character interaction. I liked Chloe's realtionship with Rae the other girl in the house and how they talk about the other 2 main boys. 
CONS: The main character seemed like a whinning teenager, who would just freak out way to much when she would see a ghost. I don't understand why she would freak out so much. It's a ghost it cant hurt you.

2. The Tales of Beedle the Bard by JK Rowling

- 107 pages- Own book-Finished 1/4
10 out 10, Cute but not really what I was thinking, easy read, for HP fans
Summary: As a reader of HP 1-7 this has one story from HP 7 The 3 brothers, but these are 5 fairy tales stories that are told to wizard children with Albus Dumbledore making commentary.
PROS: I liked Albus's commentary. I could see him saying it. The stories were cute and it only took like an hour to read the book..
CONS: A lot of JK notes kept refering to the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Now I have this book and read it a long time ago and I don't remember most of it. So It leads you to read another book. I will have to re-read it to fill in the gaps.

3. Skulduggery Pleasant Playing With Fire by Derek Landy

- 389 page-Got from the library-Finished 1/5
8 out of 10, Interesting read but I wouldn't buy it bc it's a quick read but nice story-doomsday stuff.
Summary: A living-dead wizard has an apprentice and they have to try and stop the faceless ones from taking over the world and destroying it. Second book in the series.
PROS: The story made a lot of twists that I didn't see coming, new ideas in a story, I liked the idea of the magic but not wand magic more potions. 
CONS: It's the second book and I didnt notice this till like I was on page 100. So I was going to stop reading but didn't. Also the girl just did some things that I was like,"Stop dont go down the hall." Kind of like a horror movie when you want to yell at the character. Sometimes that's annoying. But it only happened a couple times. 
4. The Crushes by Pamela Wells-340 pages-Got from the library-Finished 1/6-2am

10 out of 10, I read this in fast time for me. Only 6 hours. Now I'm a fast reader anyways but I couldn't put it done once I had started. I highly recommend this book, a must buy, but buy Heartbreakers first. This is the second book. I was surprised with this book. I dont normally read about girls and all their crushes and boy problems. But I loved this book. I liked the friendships that they had together and how each girls story was so differnet.
Summary: Four girlfriends make up this Crush Code that you are to follow when you are trying to see if your crush really does want to take it up a knotch or is merely in the  "just friends" category. Three of the girls are in realtionships but one Kelly isn't. The code is mainly made for her. Well all of the girls are on summer vacaction and they are entering into their senior year and the girls with the boyfriends start Crushing on other boys. In the end Kelly has a crush on someone who is off limits. The girls lives all intertwine at the end.
PROS: The girls all had their own story and you could really see what each one was going through. I liked how the story would jump to each girl that made it more interesting bc you would come back and see what was going on with them. I could imagine all the feelings and emotions they were going through.
CONS: The way the girls were described came off to me as hmmmm like stuck up preppy girls who were skinny and hot so they could in all honeslty have whatever guy they were crushing on. That made it kinda sucky bc all I could think is why are you bitching you can have any guy you want.

5. The Giver by Lois Lowry-180 pages-Got from the library-Originally read in 1998-Finished1/6/7 at 1am

8 out of 10, This is a short book. I remember reading it when I was in 8th grade for school and had loved it despite it being a summer reading book. You could buy this book but it is easliy available at the library due to it being on most summer reading lists still. Re-reading it again makes me re think about how lucky we are and how crushed we are to have independence.
Summary: A boy Jonas is growing up in a controlled community were your job and life is picked out for you. There is no pain, no true emotions, no color, life. He is given the role as the reciever and he meets the giver. Their tale begins to shape the community.
PROS: It opened my eyes more to how lucky we are to not be controlled and yet how damed we are because we're not controlled. It's a Sci-fi book about the future.
CONS: I had already read this so I knew most of the story already but I had forgotten most of it. The ending is differnet.

6. Ghostgirl by Tonya Hurley- 328 pages- Got from the library-Finished 1/11

9 out of 10, this was a book that I'm not used to reading so that's what made it interesting. If you wanted to buy it you could but it's pricey. Now the designs on and in the book are very nice. The pages have drawings of the ghostgirl and little poems about death at the beginning of the chapters. It's a newer book and the website is . 
Summary: A girl unexpectantly dies at school bc of a gummy bear and has to learn how to live in Dead school with other students who have died. She becomes friend with a living girl who can see her and tries to get this guy to go to the dance with her. Because of her unfinished buisness.
PROS: She goes through a lot of denial about her death with hilarious lines. She has to deal with the popular crowd and wants to be popular so bad which she does funny actions to gain that popularity. Also there was the whole mystery about Pure in the story and what/why she died. So the living girl is on the search to figure that out. So I liked the little side story of all the kids and how they died.
CONS: Its the typical geek to popular story but with witty comments. Sometimes I couldn't believe that she seriously had these issues with how much she wanted to be popular.

7. The Black book of Secrets by F.E. Higgins- 273 pages-Got from the library-Finished 1/16

10 out of 10, a strange story indead. I just randomly picked this up and I know there is a second book that is already out but I just picked up the first one.
Summary: It's about a boy Ludlow who runs away from his ma and pa bc they want to sell his teeth for gin. He meets up with a pawnbroker who is a "secret pawnbroker" he pays money for secrets. It's about Ludlow tale with this man Joe who is the secret pawnbroker.
PROS: I liked reading about the towns secrets. The tales were well written and I liked the mystery of the secret pawnbroker. Also Ludlow was an interesting character that I couldn't help but enjoy hearing. The end came out of no where. 
CONS: I didn't really have any personally. Just that I'm mad that I didn't pick up the second book when I picked up the first one.

8. Wrath of the Bloodeye by Joseph Delaney (Book 5)-511 pages-Got from the library-Finished 1/21

10 out of 10, Yet again this series continues to be a page turner! I can't get enough of these characters and this has grown close to my heart like my love for Harry Potter and Twilight. Of course the drawings before the chapters are beautifully drawn in that creepy vibe.
Summary: Yet again Tom is still in his apprenticeship with the Spook and they fight away all the witches, boggarts. I can't say much bc you have to read all the other books because the story continues on how the Dark will be defeted. Also Alice was in this book and I love Alice (she's a witch-but good witch-who loves Tom and he feels the same but she's a witch! He's suppose to be binding them and putting them in pits! 
PROS: This again leaves me for wanting to know what is going to happen! I can just see myself being there and watching the events unfold. 
CONS: Honestly none. Also that the next book isn't going to be out for awhile.

9. The Heartbreakers by Pamela Wells-296 pages-Got from the library- Finished1/21 

10 out of 10, This is the first book then the second one is the crushes #4 on my book list. Just because I had read the second one first didn't ruin the first one. Yet again this book made me laugh, smile and get all fuzzy inside.I read this book in about 6 hours. I'm not one to read girly books but I love these characters. 
Summary: Four friends, 3 breakups, and the one friend decides to make a Breakup code to help her 3 friends get over their boyfriends breaking up with them. It draws them closer together but in the end it's a big mess.
PROS: I loved each of the girls story. Well written and a fun read. 
CONS: There's no more books with these girls!

10. Good Enough by Paula Yoo- 322 pages-Got from the library-Finished

5 out of 10,I was dissapointed in this book. It looked like it was going to be a cute fun struggle for a girl to be a perfect Korean daughter and yet falls in love with a guy. Yet it just didn't have that punch. It was just to basic.
Summary: A girl struggles to be the PKD (perfect Korean daughter) but getting a 2300 on her SATs and straight A's in all her classes so she can go to YALEHARVARDPRINCETON as she would call it. But she struggles bc she's really good at playing violin and wants to go to Juliard but her parents would flip. The boy she likes trys to help her. 
PROS: It brings you into how much school is a struggle which I could relate.
CONS: There was whole rescipes in the book about SPAM. She wasn't that strong as a character. It had the basic ending.

11. The Sweet, Terrible, Glorious year I truly, Completely lost it  by Lisa Shanahan-295 pages-Got from the library- Finished 1/26.

10 out of 10, I had loved the title and that's honestly why I picked it up. I loved reading the book and getting to know her as a character. She was wickedly funny and I got pulled into the story.I recommend this book to anyone who likes a story about a girl who finds herself while flipping a birkett (flipping a shit basically).
Summary: A girl is having to deal with her sisters wedding, a play she joined bc she wanted to get close to the boy she's crushing on, but ends up talking and being partners with the trouble maker of the town, listens to her friends problems and in the end realizes that flipping a birkett can be beautiful.
PROS: Her sense of finding herself and being with people she cares about is what makes her her. Bridal situtions with her sister made me smile. And realizing that the trouble maker might not be as bad as she thought despite his family being pretty much wacky.
CONS: I wanted the story to go more indepth of the characters, I wanted to hear more about her family which was just breifly described.

12. What if...All the Boys Wanted You (A Choose Your Destiny Book) by Liz Ruckdeschel and Sara James-275 pages-Got from the library Finished/read about 5 differnet endings- 1/31

 8 out of 10, I love choose your destiny books. The stories were cute but it wasn't a favorite of mine. I recommend it though if you want to just read something short and like to change up the stories.This is the second book by the authors. The first one is What if..everyone knew your name? I haven't read the first one so I might have to put it on hold at the library bc I liked this one so I'm sure I would like the first. 
Summary: Haley has some big decisions to make in her life now that she has moved away from San Franscio and is now living in New Jersey. New friends to hang out with, going to the biggest bday party of the whole school year, maybe getting a date with Reese (hottie), or going to the museum with with her friends who one of them she might kiss, finding a criminal who stole money from the cafteria, winning a trip back to San fransico and so much more. But YOU make her life descisions, so hopefully you choose wisely.
PROS: Choose your own destiny book! Who doesn't remember reading these books in middle school! I liked Haley and her desicisions were fun ones not life and death ones. Go to the party or go to San Fransico. Fun descisions.
CONS: The stories didn't have a high character qualities to read about.

13.  Tithe by Holly Black-331 pages-OWN-Finished 2/7

10 out of 10, A new fairy tale, I highly recommend this book there are other books after this one in the series. Aly recommended this series to me bc she knew I would love it. 
Summary: Kaye has been moving from city to city with her mother and then an attack causes her and her mother to go back home to New jersey where she hangs out with her old friends and she finds out that her faerie friends that she had when she was little come and visit her and she becomes a pawn in this fairy land.
PROS: Kaye and the knight. Totally freaking hot. I just loved the interaction between them. Also a new fairy tale, who doesn't like a new tale. Also it was progressive, not slow.
CONS: I didn't like how she just seemed to have a bad attitude at times, but it wasn't that bad to be annoying.

14.Doctor Who The Feast of the Drowned by Stephen Cole-249 pages-OWN-Finished 2/8

10 out of 10, If you like Doctor Who or want to get to know David Tennant (the doctor) then pick up this book. He is cunning, sarcastic and talks so fast in the show that when I'm reading I find myself reading his lines faster just like the show.
Summary: The Doctor and Rose see the ghost of Jay who is Keisha's brother and the ghost says come and save him from the feast. So of course they go and try to figure out what is going on with this sunken ship. They come across a type of alien that is trying to harvest humans. The Doctor and Rose with the help of Mickey have to get down to this mystery and save London!! 
PROS: Of course this book is based off the tenth doctor who I love. Also it has Rose and they are my favorite "couple" in this television series. I have a thing for couples in television shows or movies. Examples: Twilight, Fringe, X-Files, Scrubs...etc. The Doctor is just so smart and I love the struggle of saving London from aliens. The book is protrayed just like it was an episode. Fast and to the point.
CONS: Just like the show I wanted it to focus more on the realtionship of Rose and the Doctor even though that is not the point of the series. They are suppose to save planets from interglactia doomsday.

15. Percy Jackson and the Olympians-Book 4- The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan-361pages-Got from the library-Finished 2/14

10 out of 10, Percy Jackson, Annabeth, Tyson, Grover and everyone is back for another adventure and of course I couldn't wait to read this when my hold for this book finially came in from the library. I had to stop what I was reading to read this much anticiapted 4th book. Of course I highly recommend this book, but of course you have to read the other 3 books first, but the fight between the Gods makes you want to read more
Summary:The half-bloods are back in another adventure and a quest is called upon Annabeth to help the group stop Kronos from growing and to save the camp from being over ran. What's going to happen this summer in the kingdom of Gods.
PROS: More in depth story of the gods and I love the battle going on in the underworld. Of course I don't want to ruin the story but I can't wait to see what happens next!
CONS: I can't wait till the new book comes out!!

16. City of Bones - The Mortal Instruments- Book 1 by Cassandra Clare-485 pages-OWN-Finished 2/18 

10 out of 10, Wow this book. I picked this up when I went with Aly to the bookstore on one of our trips and mainly just picked it up bc 1 it was a big book and only cost $9.99. The back of the cover sounded interesting. A hidden world in our world of demons and shadowhunters kill these demons. I was so surprised about how much I liked this book. I highly recommend this to someone who likes Sci-fi/fantasy books. 
Summary: 15 yr Clary Fray heads to the dance club with her friend simon and sees 3 teenagers with odd lines all over their body kill someone and the body dissappears. The murders explain to her that they are Shadowhunters and can't understand why a human like her can see them. Then her mother dissappears and Clary flews with the Shadowhunters were they try to figure out what is the connection bw her mother, clary and the demons.
PROS: What a plot turner. The story of Clary begins to unravel and there's more to her mother than she thought. Very well thought out plot diversions. Exciting fights bw characters and there are other creatures introduced like werewolves, vampires, magic, sorcery, warlocks and the shadowhunters. But it's not what you're thinking. Another story with vampires and werewolves, they play a minor scene.
CONS: The end left me hanging. They had the beginning of the next book but it didn't leave off were the first book started. Also Clary did seem like an annoying little girl in some scene's but she was a bitch in others so it evened out.

18. Pretty Monsters by Kelly Link- 73 pages- Own- Finished 2 short stories- 2/21

10 out of 10-The Wrong Grave- you can read it on the site. Makes you think about death and what you about poems and digging up your loved one. 
Summary:Short story of a boy whos girlfriend dies and he struggles with the idea that he gave her his poems and he wants them back and digs her up.
PROS: It was a fucked up story and I liked it.
CONS: It was a fucked up story and I liked it

7 out 10- The Wizards of Perfil-I thought it was going to be intersting because I like wizards. Yet obvisouly I'm dumb bc the end made no sense and I'm sure there is some deep meaning at the end but i didn't get it.
Summary: One of the children in a family is sold to wizards and she becomes there slave and has to get bucket of water for the wizards. The other child in the family is talking to the girl in his head and they are fleeing from the army. Then the end just made no sense but it was odd. Kind of like wait what just happened.
PROS: It has wizards in it but they weren't featured. Short story.
CONS: The ending?

17. Deep Wizardry-Young Wizards-Book 2-by Diane Duane-356 pages-OWN-reading/

18. What if Everyone Knew Your Name -A choose your destiny novel(1st book)-by Liz Ruckdeschel and Sara James-340 pages-Got from the Library- Finished 2/

20. Harry Potter and the Half blood Prince

19. The Time Travelers Book 1 in the Gideon Trilogy by Linda Buckley-Archer- 400 pages-OWN-read halfway

20. Angels and Demons by Dan Brown-710 pages-OWN-Finished beginning of May

10 out 10, I mainly read this book because my mother bought it and wanted to read it. It seemed interstring to me especially when I had already read the Davinic Code. I recommend this book. It's a cheap book too and it takes awhile to read because it's so long. So why not read this book. I enjoyed his other book. Also I wanted to see the movie(which i need to). I like to read books that are movies before I go and see the movie.
Summary: Robert is called into to CERN to determine whether and ancient society still is alive today known as the Illuminate. Robert ends up at the doorstep of the papal trying to figure out how to stop the murders of popes during the conclave. Of course this wouldn't be a good story if there wasn't a woman to be included in the story which of course there is. Also the whole twist at the end made it have that extra twist.
PROS: Another story with Robert Langdon who wouldn't want to read it. It was exciting to read this book due to the fact that it was about conspiracy's which I love reading. I loved how the end was all twisted and I was so surprised I didn't see it coming.
CONS: The beginning was way to long. I wanted to flip to the middle to get the story going. A lot of the book was just filler at least that's what i thought.

21. The City Of Ashes Book 2 by Cassandra Clare-453pages -OWN-finished 5/30

10 out of 10, I had been waiting for this book to go to softcover. It finally did but the new one came out now called City of Glass. So i totally recommend this book completely. Of course you have to read the first one but this series is so good. Full of mystery and love and fighting.
Summary: Clarey yet again is struggling with the underworld and her place in that world. She has problems with love between her brother and new boyfriend. Of course Valentine is starting his battle but will the Clave be able to step up?
PROS: I learned more about Clarey's past. I did like how Clarey and the characters got right into the story and all that beginning stuff was over with from the last book.
CONS: Clarey still seemed to me like an idiot. She would just make stupid decessions. I wanted to yell at her. Also i was dissapointed in the very last two paragraphs. But it made me want to read  more to find out what will happen in the next book.

22. Pride and Prejudice and Zombies by Jane Austen and Seth Grahame Smith-own-read half way

23. The Mysterious Benedict Society by Trenton Lee Stewart- 485 pages-own-finished june

10 out of 10. Great buy at Walmart for $5.89. It looked interesting. I just randomly picked this book because I thought i would like it. I was so surprised that i really enjoyed it. I recommend this book to anyone. The characters were well built and I wanted to read more about the mysteries they were going to solve. 
Summary: A group of teens answer to an add in the newspaper and are picked by Mr. Benedict to go onto an island and to investigate the feeling and figure out what is going on at this private school. 
PROS: This was a well written book. I was able to fall into the book and my surroundings disappered. I have been having a hard time finishing books but this book made me continue. I had to find out what was going to happen to society and how these children were going to figure out the mystery of the chair.
CONS: There is a second book and I didn't have it! I searched for it 2 weeks later and couldn't find it but then all of a sudden Walmart had the second book. Some of the writing I felt was just filler and it could have been shorter but the filler was interesting becasue the puzzles and quizzes they took were in the book. So I was able to figure it out before they told the answer in the book. So it gave the reader a chance to be apart of the Benedict Society.

Ok so this is my update I haven't kept up with this so these will have different layouts on my description and just a general topic about about the story, from me or from a website.

24. Cathy's Book by Sean Stewart and Jordan Weisman-pages 143- own-finished date??

10 out of 10. I saw this book at borders but didn't pick it up bc it was expensive almost $20 for the hardcover which is what you want to buy because as you can see there is items of pictures and memos that Cathy gathers during her life. The book is artisitc and has doddling all over the book. If you call the number on the book it will tell you the website and other fun facts.  I went on and got this book for like $6.00 which was an old library book. I loved this book and the rest of the series. A must read. 
-Cathy writes about her relationship with the mysterious Victor, her very best friend Emma, her frazzled mother and the pitfalls of getting involved in something very dangerous.  Her diary covers about a month of her life as she investigates Victor's sudden withdrawal and strange behavior. As she becomes more deeply involved, she realizes that Victor is not who she thinks he is, that he possibly has used her in some kind of terrible experiment (there's a needle mark on her arm and a blank space in her memory) and that even murder is possible in the weird happenings of the Chinese underworld.-

25. Cathy's Key by Stewart and Jordan Weisman-pages 144- own-finished date?? 

10 out of 10. The second creative book in the series. Yet again book was very expensive in the store went to got it for $8.00 with all the items and drawings that comes with the book. I like looking at the items and reading the notes. The book is very pretty with all the drawings that Cathy does. Highly recommended.  
-Yet again back with Cathy and her battle with the Chinese underworld I don't want to say to much because that would ruin the story of the first book.

26. Cathy's Ring by Stewart and Jordan Weisman-pages 144- own-finished date??  

10 out of 10. Ditto from above. I highly recommend this book. Of course read the other books first in the series. here's a little thing I found. 
The Cathy books are all thrilling and action-packed - and when we say action-packed, we mean you actually get a chance to join in the action and interact with the story using the Internet and your very own cell phone!

The books feature working cell phone numbers and website URLs that basically establish the existence of all the fictional people, places and companies you read about on the pages. The phone numbers and websites will help you solve the mysteries presented in each book

26. The Boyfriend List (15 Guys, 11 Shrink Appointments, 4 Ceramic Frogs and Me, Ruby Oliver)  by E. Lockhart pages finsihed 11/05/09

10 out of 10. This is the second time I have read this book. I read it maybe a year ago. I saw it in the shelf and thought i loved that book when I had read it before but i couldn't remember everything about the book. So I re-read it. Here's a little description

Sometimes, therapy can get you in trouble. That's what Ruby finds out when she compiles a list (the boyfriend list) for Dr. Z, her shrink. The list includes any kind of anything - meaning, even boys she never even talked to or just wished were her boyfriends. But when the list accidentally gets out at school, Ruby's got an instant reputation…and it isn't a good one.

Besides all of the drama associated with that, in the last 10 days, our beset-upon heroine has lost her boyfriend, her best friend (actually, all her friends), failed a math test, and experienced just about every other social catastrophe you can think of.

But don't think this is the kind of book that will bring you down. E. Lockhart's novel is achingly funny and tragic, in a tragi-comedy type of way. Told in Ruby's voice, it's at times hilarious, a touch introspective, and pretty much always right on target. Annotated with footnotes that read like asides to the text, you'll feel like you know this girl by the end of the book and oh, how you'll sympathize with her even when you want to whack her upside the head.

27. THE BOY BOOK: A Study of Habits and Behaviors, Plus Techniques for Taming Them by E. Lockhart- pages 244-Own Finished 11/09

10 out of 10. I have read this book before this is my second time.I want to say to much but it's the 2nd book in the series with Ruby Oliver. Very Very funny. A must read.

28. Angus, thongs and full-frontol snogging by Louise Rennison pages- 272- owned finished nov/09

10 out 10. Where to begin? I saw this book all the time at the bookstore so i went on and found it for $0.75 and then like $4.00 shipping. Which is cheaper than in the stores. So far i have 4 in the series I think there is 8 total? It's a British book which i love the slang and the way the british talk. This is a long review because I can't review the other editions as much due to the other books in the series that build on eachother. a must read to the start of a funny series. (I'm big on series)
I'd like to begin by explaining a few things, since the only word in the book's title that's readily clear to Americans is "thong." Angus is a cat, Georgia's to be exact, but he's not any ordinary cat. One wouldn't expect a cat of his mixed domestic/Scottish wildcat heritage to be ordinary. He's exceedingly large, temperamental, or just plain mental depending how you look at it. Angus intimidates dogs and Angus eats leads (that's leash in American) on a regular basis. Angus is a killing machine much feared by the wildlife of Georgia's neighborhood, the rodents especially. The second thing I'd like to explain is snogging. If you managed to miss Austin Powers you are most likely confused. A snog is a kiss, and not of the chaste sort. One doesn't snog one's gran (grandmother) unless one is very, very strange. Now that I've explained the unfamiliar terms, let's move on.

Georgia leads a very ordinary English teenaged life: an all girls high school (been there, done that), uniforms with about fifty different skirt lengths, sneaking off to Boots (a drug store) during double free periods with her friends... Georgia is more interested in boys --- meeting them, attracting them, potentially snogging them if she can ever figure out what to do with her arms --- than she is in the mysteries of physics or Frog (French). At 14 she sometimes thinks she's the only girl in the world without the very necessary appendage called the boyfriend, even though she knows this isn't true when she looks at her friends.

In the meantime Georgia must contend with parents who are just the littlest bit strange, and a three year old sister who suffers from exploding swimming knickers (panties) syndrome when fed baked beans before swimming. Georgia lives at the edge of love and mortification when she's with her family, so she tries to ignore them as much as possible. She's so successful at this that she nearly doesn't notice when her father leaves for New Zealand to look for a job. New Zealand is so far away it takes nearly two days by plane to get there. Is it any wonder then that Georgia's mum begins to flirt just a little with the builder (construction worker) who seems to taking forever to refit the lounge (living room)? If this sounds a bit like a soap, it should, but it's a soap driven by humor rather than the pathos.

ANGUS, THONGS AND FULL FRONTAL SNOGGING is funny enough to make the most pofaced bloke (sad looking guy) laugh out loud. This is a book to share with friends since they'll all want to know what a "tosser" is (no, I'm not going to tell you). Georgia is Everygirl taken to the extreme, her antics will make anything you've ever done when looking for that special guy seem staid, reasonable, or even worse, completely normal. Rennison provides at least one joke per page so that the action moves at a quick pace, and after reading it you might even come to realize that England is more than Masterpiece Theatre and Blur. Pick it up, read it, and lend it to a friend --- but only after you've borrowed something of equal value as hostage just to make sure you get it back.

29. On the bright side, I'm now the girlfriend of a sex god by Louise Rennison pages-272-own finshed nov/09 

10 out of 10. OMG so so funny. Read it. She is so crazy and funny. She talks about her nunga nunga's all the time and it makes me laugh because i can relate.  
Georgia is back, and not a moment too soon, because I was in absolute aggers without her.

Don't know what I'm going on about?

Georgia Nicolson, the 14-year-old heroine of ANGUS, THONGS AND FULL-FRONTAL SNOGGING has returned with a new chronicle of teen angst.

30. Knocked out by my Nunga-nungas by Louise Rennison-owned finished nov 22 09 

10 out of 10. How often do i have to say read it! here is a journal entry.

Tuesday November 2nd, 10.00 p.m.

I must stop being jelloid woman every time I see the Sex God.

Why oh why did I day “I’m away laughing on a fast camel” instead of goodbye?  What is the matter with me?

However on the whole taking things by and large….Yessssssss!!!!!

I live at Snogging Headquarters.  My address is

Georgia Nicolson

Snogging Headquarters

Snog Lane


31. Charlie bone and the Shadow by Jenny Nimo- pages- 427- own finished date??

10 out of 10. This is book 7 in the series. So of course I ranked it high but that is because I like the series. I wish I could tell you to refer to another number that I have but I read the first one a long time ago. here's a review of the first book: MIdnight for Charlie Bone

Since his father died, Charlie Bone has lived with his mother and her mother, in the house of his other grandmother, Grandma Bone. Looking at a picture of a couple with a baby and a cat, he suddenly discovers he can hear their voices. Although he tries to hide his new gift, Grandma Bone and her scary sisters soon find out, and send him to Bloor's Academy. Charlie quickly finds life at Bloor's pretty tough, with its strict rules and the malevolent head boy, Manfred, set against him. When Charlie discovers that the child in the photograph is being held, hypnotised, against her will, he and his new friends with 'gifts' try to awaken her. But can they overcome Manfred's sinister hypnotic gifts?

32. The Tapestry The Hound of Rowan by Henry h Neff pages 414 own finished??

8 out of 10. This is the second time I read this book. I had originally read it when my mom picked it up at the library for me. It was a new book and she thought i would like which of course I did like it. So just recently I went on and bought it. Here's a review:::

Twelve-year-old Max McDaniels lives with his father near Chicago, Illinois. Every year they visit the Chicago Art Institute on his mother’s birthday. This tradition has become especially important since his mom disappeared two years ago. But this year particularly stands out when Max’s world expands into a magical battle of good versus evil.

Max begins to notice something strange when he finds the scary man with one milky-white eye studying him on the train. He sees him again in the museum and ducks into a back room to hide. That’s when he observes the colorful tapestry depicting an ancient battleground --- a tapestry that no one else can see. This event notifies the recruiters at the amazing Rowan Academy, and they quickly seek out Max. They tell him that he is special and is invited to attend Rowan Academy to develop his abilities and learn strategy and tactics to assist in the battle with the ancient evil threatening our world. Unfortunately, the bad guys have recruiters as well, and they’re also out to get Max.

Max hesitates to leave his dad alone but eventually agrees to attend the special school. There he meets amazing students from all over the world, plus an incredible assortment of unusual people and other species --- such as the assertive hag and kind-hearted ogre working in the kitchens, the talking mother goose and the manic-depressive bathroom attendant. He makes new friends, like his exceptionally gifted roommate David, and new enemies, including cruel second-year student Alex.

Their classes include physical training, languages, math and science, plus others, such as Strategy, Etiquette and the magical Mystics. And all of the students love The Course, a life-like simulation training, which is similar to stepping inside a video game. In addition, each student is assigned to take care of a mystical creature. Max is chosen by an aggressively affectionate Black Forest Lymrill named Nick, complete with claws, quills and a big appetite.

But not everything is a-ok. The enemy manages to kidnap a handful of students before they can reach the safety of Rowan. However, even Rowan isn’t as safe as it used to be --- there is a traitor at the Academy sharing inside information. In addition, enemy soldiers are somehow gaining access to the school grounds. Everyone is in danger, though for some reason Max has been targeted specifically.

33. Dancing in my Nuddy-Pants by Louise Rennison page 206-finshed nov 24 09

10 out of 10. here is a good little thing:
'Once more I am beyond the Valley of the Confused and treading lightly in the Universe of the Huge Red Bottom. What is the matter with me? I love the Sex God and he is my one and only, but try telling that to my lips.'

34. The Last Apprentice Attack of the Fiend by Joseph Delaney own- finished ??

10 out of 10. What another great book by Delaney.
"I see your future clearly. Your master will be dead, and you will be alone. It would be better if you had never been born."

Thomas Ward is the apprentice for the local Spook, who banishes boggarts and drives away ghosts. But now a new danger is threatening Tom's world: the witches are rising and the three most powerful clans are uniting in order to conjure an unimaginable evil.

Tom and the Spook set out to stop the witches before they unleash the demon. But when Tom finds himself on his own, he wonders if he has the courage and cunning to defeat the most powerful enemy he has ever encountered.

35. The Last Apprentice:The Spooks Tale and other Stories by Joseph Delaney-own audiobook-finished??

9 out of 10. This didn't continue with the story btw the characters. This was just back story on the characters which was interesting but I wanted to know more about the story.

35. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by Jk Rowling-own ??? dont' know how many times i've read this i felt like re-reading it.

10 out of 10. This is my first favorite hp book. 2nd is deathly hallows. If you haven't read the HP series idk know what you are thinking. READ IT.

What Parents Need to Know

About Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

Parents need to know that J.K. Rowling continues her great plotting and pacing, but this book's edgier themes will appeal more to older kids. For most of the school year, Harry believes he is marked for death and stalked by an escaped prisoner. He also battles a creature of kids' worst nightmares: the Dementors are black-robed floating beings that suck out happiness and feed on your worst fears, which is why Harry hears the sound of his mother's last scream when he sees them. While this can be tough for young and sensitive readers, the bright spot is the Boggart lesson in Defense Against the Dark Arts. Boggarts can turn into what a person fears most, but the kids learn to yell "Ridiculous!" and turn it into something to laugh at.

36. Harry Potter and the Goblet Of Fire by JK Rowling-OWN - Read alot- reading now Nov/09

8 out 10. This is not my favorite book out of the whole series. But it is better than Chamber of Secrets which is my least favorite but I do love the series despite not being a fan of that book. The one thing I love about re-reading the book is that I've seen the movies and you end up forgetting the little things that make the book so much better than any movie. I total forgot the whole Winky part with the wand. I wasn't thinking about it when I was reading the book and then I was like ohh man they left that out and S.P.E.W.!! I thought that was funny in the book. I understand that it would have made the movie to long and wasn't really needed in the book but I liked that side story. If you havent' read the HP series you my friend are missing out.

37. The Awakening by Kelly Armstorng- own- finished?? Forgot about this book-2nd in the series

8 out of 10. Not as good as the first one but still good. The main character did erk me a little bit with her freaking out about the ghosts and stuff.

Book II in the Darkest Powers trilogy takes us deeper into a world where the supernatural intrudes on the everyday with riveting effect.

If you had met me a few weeks ago, you probably would have described me as an average teenage girl - someone normal. Now my life has changed forever and I’m as far away from normal as it gets. A living science experiment - not only can I see ghosts, but I was genetically altered by a group of people who call themselves The Edison Group. What does that mean? For starters, I’m a teenage necromancer whose powers are out of control: I raise the dead without even trying. Trust me, that is not a power you want to have. Ever.

I’m running for my life with three of my supernatural friends - a charming sorcerer, a cynical werewolf, and a disgruntled witch - and we have to find someone who can help us gain our freedom back before The Edison Group finds us first. Or die trying.

38. Away Laughing on a fast camel-by Louise Rennison-pages 266-own reading-Book has two titles-the first one is for Americans and the second is for English-(apprently American's take offsense to the title and are to stupid to understand. (just like how in the Harry Potter series they had two different versions of books so that American's would understand the book))-5th book in the series

Away Laughing on a Fast Camel is the fifth novel for teens by Louise Rennison that started out with Angus, Thongs and Full-Frontal Snogging.  It has to be said that her heroine Georgia Nicholson hasn't changed much over the years.  Indeed, she hasn't even got much older.  She is still much more interested in boys than she is in her school work, and best of all, she has the same wonderful language that makes her so funny.  You have to work out what her different phrases mean.  For example, about one morning at school, she writes
I said to the ace gang as we trailed out of Assembly to R.E., "What started out as a schiessenhausen day has turned out to be a groovy gravy day."
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