[Backdated to New Years Eve night]
It was true that Gee had gone to ground, avoiding anyones calls but Stuart's. Even Matt's calls were left for voicemail to pick up, and Gee didn't know why. Maybe because she was ashamed. She was on the verge of falling forEuan , and she was just embarrassed that she had let it happen so easily. Talking to Matt was just going to drive it home. She didn't even pick up whenVee called, but did listen to the message telling her that Euan was in hospital. She'd just sat on the information until New Year's Eve was nearly over and she realised she would rather spend it inEuan's hospital room than home alone.
Another sign she was in trouble.
She tried to call Matt back finally, but only got his voicemail. Revenge, or he was tied up celebrating with his blonde. She didn't mind. Maybe it was better to wait until she knew what would happen next. The nurse on duty didn't seem to mind letting Gee in to see him, apparently disgruntled that she'd had to give up a party to cover someoneelse's shift, so at least someone should get what they want that night.
Gee hovered in the doorway briefly before she crossed the room, and leaned down to press a kiss to Euan's lips. He looked like he was dead to the world, and still she'd rather be here than anywhere else.
Euan had hardly slept since being admitted to hospital. The noises and the smells felt like they had all his senses on overdrive. He had sort of fallen into the habit of napping, the deep sleep was eluding him unless he asked for medication. He just didn't. He didn't see the point. He had supposed to only be in overnight, but it veered into two when they weren't able to get his temperature down to a safe level. But they had assured him sans any complications, he could go back to Matt's apartment the following day if he swore to take it easy. By that point, Euan had been so exhausted from trying to fight everyone that he just submitted. He just wanted to get out of here and get better, so he would do anything it took. He was tired, but being tired and managing to sleep were two different things. He opened his eyes a little, noticing how heavy and puffy they felt, and he only realised he had company and hadn't just woken when he surveyed the scene a little and found Gee there. He frowned a little in confusion, looking groggily at the door. "What time is it?" he asked hoarsely, lifting his head up off the pillow to see her better.
Gee rest her hand on his shoulder and gently tried to get him to lay back down. "Shh, it's nearly midnight. About ten to twelve. I didn't meant to wake you, love. I'm sorry. Just go back to sleep." She shifted so she was practically on the edge of the seat so he could see her easily. "Just wanted to... check on you."
"At midnight?" Euan asked skeptically, looking at her like she was a nutcase. "What are you, a vampire? How am I supposed to go back to sleep when I wasn't really asleep in the first place?" He tucked the mask down under his chin again and drew a small breath to let it out slowly. "Is this even a good idea?" he added, unable to help wondering if this wasVee's doing again.
"No, just... It's New Year's Eve. I didn't really have anything better planned. I was just at home, and then I thought about you being in the hospital all alone. At least I assumed you were alone." She glanced around like she might have expectedVee to pop out from around a corner, or something. Her eyebrows drew together in concern as her gaze landed back on him. "You're not sleeping? I don't know if it's a good idea, or not. I just got in my car and came."
Euan cleared his throat and watched her glance around the room. "She went home. Supercop went out on the piss, so she wanted to be there when he got home. Trouble in paradise, otherwise he wouldn't be out on New Year without her," he guessed, even ifVee hadn't elaborated on anything when she was here. Euan had been dosed up on more meds , so he wasn't really absorbing much of what she had been saying anyway, and she cottoned on pretty quickly, so they had just watched TV together for awhile. "Hospitals are the worst fucking place to get rest. The sooner the arseholes realise that, the better." He looked at her with a small frown. "I'm stuck here for three weeks. They won't let me on a plane. Something to do with bacteria and some other fucking shit I don't care about."
"Oh..." Gee bit her lip, thinking about Matt not answering her call. Must have been because he'd been busy at the pub. She also had no idea how she felt aboutVee in general. The woman appeared to have good intentions towards Matt, and obviously cared about Euan. She just seemed to manage to fuck at least one of them over while helping. Gee could hardly blame her confused feelings for Euan on the woman. "Three weeks? Are you allowed out soon, or do you have to stay here the whole time? I'm sorry you're stuck in London. I know it's not easy for you. And I know that's a bit of an understatement."
"I'm getting out tomorrow, if I don't die in the middle of the night. Gotta take it easy and hand over a kidney as collateral or something. I wasn't listening. I really just wanted to stick the IV pole up someones arse to make me feel better," Euan admitted with a small snort, tugging at the covers from where he'd managed to get it looped awkwardly over his foot. "Dunno. They're telling me the anxiety was the pneumonia or some shit. Doctors talk out their arse, so what can you really know? Adrenaline and heart rate and breathing. I don't know what my lungs have to do with the location."
Gee leaned forward to help him unhook the covers, and smoothed them out a little. "Are you planning on dying? Maybe it's just as well I did show up. It's a New Year starting. You can't die just before you have a chance to get back to the safety of Matt's with your friend." Gee frowned. "Maybe it's because of not getting enough breath in thanks to the illness? I don't know, either. There's a reason I'm a cop, and not a doctor."
Euan groaned in annoyance. "I'm fucking dreading going back there. If they're bitching at each other, I'll be like a friggen bad smell third wheel stuck there because I can't get home. I'm undies on the outside of jeans - bad idea, fucking uncomfortable, and too much hassle to put back in the right place. He bought into a few days with me, not a fucking month. If I can hear them necking on the crapper, I can only imagine what it'll be like if they start bloody bonking. God fucking help me, and I'm not a religious dude."
Gabrielle cleared her throat softly, trying not to smile in amusement at the image of Euan listening to them kissing while he was on the toilet. "Well, erm, I have a spare room. You could always... It's no trouble. You wouldn't be undies on the outside of jeans. Once I'm over this cold I won't be around much when I'm back at work. You'd have the place to yourself."
Euan looked at her in disbelief, not really sure what to say at first. He cleared his throat softly again. It was still dry and sore, and as annoying as hell. He pushed his hair back, not saying anything straight away, but only because he didn't know what to say. Not being shacked up inVee's love nest was appealing. Very appealing . But he hardly knew Gee, and he was ill. Not just a wee bit ill, either. First few days home, he was going to need a hand with things because he got out of breath easily. In saying that, he was pretty sure once he got out of here, to wherever he went, he was going to pass out cold because he was so fucking tired. "I can't accept. That's not... fair... on you."
Gee wet her lips before she reached for a plastic cup to pour Euan some water, and stuck a straw in it before she offered it to him. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have... It's just I have the space, and you seem to want to get out of Matt's. I'm not trying anything. I don't want... It's okay, you know. I mean, you're sick. You're in a city you hate. You just need a comfortable bed." Truth be told, Gabrielle had no idea why she was really offering. It wasn't going to make things any easier. In fact, she was almost sure it would make them even more complicated. "Think about it."
Euan sighed softly. He took a drink and then let his head rest against the pillow again. He wanted to blame Vee for this. If he and Gee had just kept it at a fuck, everyone would be fine right now. Well, he probably wouldn't technically be fine considering he nearly coughed up both lungs, but that wasn't the fine he was talking about anyway. It wasn't that he didn't likeGee's company. He did. She was a chick, he liked female company. He liked sex. But he had no clue what this was all supposed to be when, even if it was three weeks down the track, he was leaving. Even in New York, he didn't do relationships. He definitely wasn't going to do anything long distance where there wasn't allowed to be fucking at all. He didn't know whyVee had to take him and everyone around her down in her mental scheme to move to England. "And what's going to happen if I do?" he asked her.
"You can have a room, and food, and a bed?" Gee asked. She held her hand up. "I'm not saying I thought it through. It did just pop out. I was just thinking that it was one possible solution. Plus I'm not about to charge you board, or rent, or anything. You'd have a free place to stay. I'm really not about to force myself on you,Euan . This isn't some grand scheme to get into your pants. Not that I'd mind it happening again, but do you get what I'm saying? Once I am back at work you won't have to worry about seeing me much, just like I said."
"So, it's Supercop and Vee territory or we go the other extreme and avoid each other so Vee's shitty cupid arrow doesn't get either of us up the arse?" Euan asked, raising an eyebrow at her. He scrunched his nose up briefly and put the mask back over his face so Hitler Nurse with the hairnet didn't come and tear him a new one. "Awkward."
"Well, no. I just... I thought it would make it easier on you if you knew you didn't have to see me much." Gee shrugged her shoulder slightly. "I don't want you to feel boxed in."
Euan held the mask in place as he watched her for a few moments, but he ended up averting his gaze towards the window that was shut behind the blind. He knew there was a frustrating element to all of this. It would be disgustingly easy for him to move back here and walk into a detective job, probably even in the same building that she worked. Who knew? It wouldn't be an issue. He had duel citizenship. He could come and go as he pleased. But it was London, and it was painful. He loved his job in America and had worked fucking hard to get there. But other thanVee, it was mostly all just work and a few acquaintances. His brother was there... with his wife, two kids and a puppy named Bob. Euan was always welcome, but it wasn't like he was part of the unit. "I don't know what to do..." he said quietly from behind the mask, probably barely even audible. He didn't even know what he was referring to. WithVee's decision to up and leave New York without a word, he hadn't felt this fucking alone in a long time. Even if they weren't technically together, they worked together and spent a good portion of their spare time together, then she just chose to leave without warning and a little piece of him hated her for it.
Gee tucked her hand around Euan's, not really sure what she could say to comfort him. She could only imagine how hard it was for him to watch his partner and friend leave New York to come here. She couldn't even really understand it herself. She was glad Matt had found someone that seemed to care for him that much, but even Matt appeared to have some hesitancy over the whole thing. Maybe it really was because of the fact he didn't want to be responsible for dragging her away from her life in the States, and her friend. None of this was settled yet, and Gee started to wonder if it ever would be. Eventually she sucked in a small breath, her eyes on his face. "It would help if you could sleep, but I know that's not going to happen here."
Euan shook his head. "Only time I sleep heavily is when I'm drunk, drugged, or ill. It's hard to let your guard down in a unfamiliar place." He rubbed at his eyes with his fingers and sighed. "I don't know, Gee. I just really don't know. I feel like we should lay some ground rules here. I'm not saying you're likeVee or anything, but I know what happened when she got here and had to take care of Supercop when he was ill. Also not saying I'm expecting you to take care of me, because I'm not. I've taken care of myself for so long, you get used to it. I just... I know what shit can happen when there seems to be no strings. It's usually when people find themselves tied up in much tougher shit to cut through the string. I'm not a complete cave man. I've had relationships."
Gee took her hand away from Euan's to fold hers in her lap and gave a nod. "Fine, what ground rules do you want in place? I don't want you not sleeping because you think I'm in danger of falling hopelessly in love with you, and you might wake up to find a wedding ring and a marriage certificate stapled to your forehead. It's nice to know you've had relationships, but I'm not trying to force one on you."
Euan looked at her, though his feelings were mostly masked as always. "Give me a break. Please," he requested quietly. "I'm trying my best here. You can't blame me for those comments after everything withVee."
"No, I can't, but as you said... I'm not her." Gee rubbed at her forehead, and tried not to let any kind of anger colour her tone. She couldn't help feeling suddenly like she wasn't good enough. "I'm not her," she repeated. "Just like you're notSupercop . I realise you're trying your best, but so am I. Don't blame me for something I didn't do. I just took advantage of her offer." Gee held up her hand. "I like you, I can't deny that. That doesn't mean I'll wind up loving you. I'm not an idiot. I know you'll be going home. I know you can't return any feelings if some develop. I know you don't want any feelings developing. I also just know you need a place to crash 'after everything withVee'."
"I didn't say you were. I'm basically just trying to let you know I'm a fucking arsehole in advance. I'm not worth it. I'm a chain smoker and a heavy drinker. I swear and I fart and I scratch myself. I get into pub fights. I piss on lamp posts and leave the toilet seat up. I like sex, and I'll do it any way I feel like. Seriously, like. You'll be glad to see the back of me when I go,"Euan warned her as he started to cough a little again, his chest hurting in the process. He hated feeling like a bag of shit.
Gee raised an eyebrow before she leaned forward to rub his chest a little bit. "Who are you really trying to convince here, Detective Fitzpatrick, me or you?"
Euan just snorted softly and smirked at her. "I've been me my whole life. What's to convince? I'm a copper because I was a crim, basically. And before you bite my dick off again, I've been with chicks who think they can come in and change me or rescue me. I like being who I am. The only person accountable for my actions is me. No one else gets swept up in it."
"I like who you are, too. I have no plans in changing you." Gee moved from her seat, her lips close to his ear. "Sex wouldn't have been as hot as it was if you were a nice boy. I'm not interested in nice. And for the record, I don't bite, but I do use my teeth. I never used to get any complaints."
Euan scrunched his lips up, even if they were behind the oxygen mask. "I'm not supposed to be exerting myself. Do you offer this hospitality to all your guests?"
Gee placed a kiss on his forehead and pulled back with a smirk. "Only the naughty ones."
Euan held up a finger. "I didn't say I was naughty, I said I was an arsehole. The difference is about a few hundred f words, choice of booze, and favoured positions."
Gee held up her own finger. "Then I stand corrected, and will amend my statement accordingly." She slipped her fingers around his wrist, and dipped her head to bring his finger into her mouth as she curled her tongue around it and sucked on it. "Happy New Year, by the way."
As he watched her suck on his finger, half of Euan's brain was ringing warning bells that this was a bad idea, and it had nothing to do with the fact his lungs were full of his own mucus and shouldn't exert himself. This wasn't a good idea! It couldn't be a good idea. Whatever happened in the meantime, he was going back to America in three weeks. If he didn't die between now and then. The other half of his brain,evidently the most persuasive, was happy to just let her at any body part she wanted to cater to. Fingers were a good start, if they ended up somewhere else. He also clearly wasn't ill enough for it to reach his cock, and he wasn't ashamed of the boner under the hospital gown at all. "Aye, ath bhliain faoi mhaise," he returned, his eyes on her mouth.
Gee smiled, not missing his boner in the slightest. She turned his hand over and kissed his palm, tongue touching it briefly before she once again pulled another one of his fingers into her mouth and simulated exactly what she wanted to be doing to a different part of him. The fingers of her hand skated down his arm, feeling the muscles and tendons beneath. Even laid up in hospital, it was clearEuan still took care of himself. She let out a noise that sounded like a purr, her eyes darkening. It wasn't fair that the Gaelic made her hot. It was sending tingles all through her body, and she cursed herself for apparently being wired to react to every little thing he did. "You need rest," she murmured, but she was already moving on to another finger.
"So they tell me," Euan returned, his eyes narrowing just a little as he continued to absorb the image of her mouth wrapped around his fingers. "So, why are you here?" he continued.
"I already told you... I was just hoping I'd sit here all quiet while you slept." Gee shrugged a shoulder. "You wouldn't have spent New Year's alone, and you would have been none the wiser. Do you want me to go?"
Euan scrunched his nose up a little. "As much as it pains me to admit, if I come, I'll choke on my own bodily fluids right now. Plus, your theory would deduce that I was actually sleeping, when I've only managed that under sedation that the paramedics hit me with so I wouldn't have a panic attack. I want... need you to stop tongue-fucking my finger or I will risk my own life when I take matters into my own hand," he warned with a smirk.
"How was I going to know you wouldn't be sleeping?" Gee pulled back slowly, eyes sparkling as she just threaded her fingers through his and held his hand. "Well, I'm not looking to make you choke like that. I didn't want to kill you the first time around, and I still don't want to kill you. I did enjoy the tongue-fucking, though."
"It's New Year, I might have been feeling festive. I'm not, but I'm just emphasising a point," Euan had to add, trying to clear his throat again. He had a feeling his diet was going to be as boring as a fucking unconscious granny's by the time he got out of here. "Aye, I'd rather not repeat that feeling like I was dying. It was pretty fucking tragic, like. And you're doing nothing to convince me that you're just offering me free board for a few weeks," he pointed out.
Gee held her free hand up in surrender. "Moment of weakness. I'm sorry. From this moment on I will definitely behave myself."
"Sounds boring," Euan decided, meeting her eyes. "Looks like we'll just have to see how things play out, won't we? I might make a miraculous recovery."
Gee's eyebrow crept up as she started to grin. "I might just have to drop to my knees in worship."
Word Count | 3,779