Title: Remember Paul Van Riper Pairing: McKay/Brown, McKay/Sheppard Rating: PG-13 Word Count: 7700 Summary: There's more than one battlefield on which to play a war game. Notes: Written for
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I don't know how many times I've read this (and not commented, slapped wrist!) but I love it even more each time, especially Lorne and the Marines, and how things just go on pretty much as normal after John makes his move - there's no major drama or angst or anything, and they're still friends.
Thanks so much for the feedback! Personally, I think Zelenka has all kinds of secret mad skillz that he's just sitting on until the perfect moment comes along. He's really one of my favorite characters on the show.
Lovely story, funny and touching, and if it kills me that you ended it without bringing John and Rodney together definitively, well, who am I to begrudge you your Actual Grown-up Fictional Structure?
Seriously, I read all your McSheps, and each is clever and original. Many thanks.
Sorry for the late reply, but finals kept me busy.
Thanks very much for the feedback -- I'm really glad you've enjoyed my fic. McKay/Sheppard is such a fun pairing and there's so much possibility for the two them. They're amazingly fun to write and read. :)
Comments 14
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Glad you enjoyed the read. :)
Seriously, I read all your McSheps, and each is clever and original. Many thanks.
Thanks very much for the feedback -- I'm really glad you've enjoyed my fic. McKay/Sheppard is such a fun pairing and there's so much possibility for the two them. They're amazingly fun to write and read. :)
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