(no subject)

Mar 29, 2006 01:15

So there are friends and then there are friends.  True friends are the ones who will be there for you when you're pissed at the world, are hyperventilating between tears, or need to pour your heart out while someone shuts up (difficult, I know) and just listens.   There are so many places I want to go with this, I don't even know where to start.  I suppose the main thing I've been seeing with a lot of people lately, is their tendency to cling to people with whom they have a very superficial relationship with.  It's interesting how people choose to spend their time.  They migrate to those "friends" who are fun, always up for a good time, and willing to drop whatever they are doing to go play.  Nothing wrong there.  But then when those people need someone to bitch to, someone to clean up all the shit in their lives, someone to listen to them cry about a boy, they come to their "true friends", those who have been there all along, watching while they are overlooked for other reasons, but the first to be sought in times of distress.  Hmmm.  Doesn't seem like a mutually recipricol relationship to me.  And I wonder which friends are going to be the ones who are there later on, once everyone has grown up, moved on, gotten over their egos maybe..?  Some people have a lot to learn.  Fortunately/unfortunately, I've already learned this little lesson the hard way.

Going along with this whole theme... I wish that some people would be willing to see another side for a change instead of just repeating their own feelings twenty times (literally) before the conversation gets so unbearably awkward that you have no choice but to hang up or just walk away.  Seeing a situation from another angle and blindly agreeing with someone for the sake of agreeing are two very different things.  The former requires only that you overcome your stubborness long enough to open up your mind and realize that not everyone sees things the same way you do.  I'm not saying one has to agree with everything their that their friends do and say.  Having different opinions about things is one of the most beautiful things in life.  I'm just asking that my friends care about me enough to respect my opinions/feelings, acknowledge them, disagree if they feel it necessary, and then move on.  It really puts a strain on the friendship when someone who you consider to be a very good friend makes it seem as though your feelings aren't valid.

Just something to think about.
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