Questions for native speakers of Spanish, French, German, Russian, Japanese, etc.

Aug 09, 2009 15:54

This is primarily a question for speakers of languages with grammatical distinctions between formal and informal speech, such as the pronoun-pairs tú/usted, tu/vous, ты/Вы, du/Sie or the dizzying system of Japanese honorifics.

Which forms do you use when addressing an animal? I don't mean a mythical talking animal like Osiris or Mickey Mouse, but a real-life animal. I assume that most people use tú/tu/ты/du to tell the family pet to roll over, but what about a particularly noble animal, such as a recent Kentucky Derby winner or a wild lion? Or what about an animal belonging to someone whom you would address as tú/tu/ты/du? Do you ever address any animal as usted/vous/Вы/Sie?
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