Apr 13, 2005 17:27
Thanks to my stupid Roadrunner, i havent had an internet connection for like a week! And so much has happend.
Justin came to visit me like on Thursday, and it was a nice visit...except he had this rash that i must have somehow contracted.
So I am at school on Monday and my tummy has red dots on it, and it was starting to make my face look bumpy. I was thinking of calling in to work but i didnt because i couldnt get a dr appointment. SO when i get out of work i go buy benadyrl and pass out at home. THEN i wake up and my eyes wont even open, and my entire face is super swollen so i look like a chipmunk with no eyes, and my entire body is convered in this awfully horrendous rash. So i try to make another appointment but the doctor is out and all this shit, so they tell me to ice my face and take more benadyrl, and if it dosent stop reacting with my face i need to go to the emergency room. SO i do what they said and when i wake up its gotten even worse so Lindsey takes me to the ER.
Then a series of terrible things happend, first they took like 8 pints of blood. And they told me my throat was totally swollen and covered in puss, lovely huh? SO they told me i had either Step throat or mono. And im like wtf? my throat dosent even hurt bitches! SO they run these tests and find that it is neither of the two, (which was a major relief) and so then they gave me a nice shot of steroids on my ass. I am deathly afraid of needles and i was crying for both the blood taking and the shot. Thank God lindsey was there so i could crush all the bones in her hand.
So i am missing work and school, which sucks and i had to pay for the ER visit and my meds, which include a steroid pack! i'm gunna get all buff hah. and i also got more benadryl and some penacilin. Anyway, enough bad news.
THE GOOD NEWS IS: Me and Kendra and Vanessa are going to MARLEYFEST in Austin this weekend!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am so excited, i was afraid my illness would prevent me from going but it looks like i'll be okay except my ass hurts!! It was so cute when i told my mom she was so excited, i think it reminds her of her hippy days :)
And Shauna is going to be in Austin this weekend too, and she said she'd call me, so hopefully we can meet up and she can meet mah friends.
Well i gotta go take some more roids RAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRR imma be ragin' and reggae-in :)