The UNIT controversy

Mar 23, 2008 12:12

If your flist is anything like mine, there's been a lot of discussion of UNIT lately.

A lot of people were downright furious at the portrayal of UNIT in the Torchwood episode Fragments as a no-holds-barred military group that will stop at nothing, including torture.  People obviously feel that that went too far and showed a misunderstanding or even willful disrespect toward Old School UNIT.

But what if that's the whole point -- that UNIT was never like this in the old days, but somewhere along the way  it got off the right track? What if  that's Martha's role -- to bring UNIT back to their former Earth-defending, good-guys-fighting-the-good-fight glory -- not unlike what Jack's supposedly doing at Torchwood?

Myself, I'm really not sure what RTD & co. are trying to convey in all this. Even though we're being TOLD that Jack is changing Torchwood for the better,  half the time he's using the same methods he's supposed to be cleaning up (e.g. torture, assuming all aliens are hostile, etc.).

So do you feel the Brig and all the old UNIT-affiliated companions are rolling over in their TV-land graves? Do you think Martha is going to clean UNIT up? Or is Team Cardiff just playing fast and loose with canon?
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