Jan 01, 2004 20:23
Happy new years!!
whoa. so this new years was'nt all that great.
but it's ok i spend it with Shaun so it's all good.
I got to see Nik ,Alec ,Mike ,Ashley,Walcher ,Philly, Ally ,Lauren .good stuff, we went to shaun's watched Beauty and the Beast.
Then at around 1 30 my mom took me to ally's . so i had to say good bye to ashley.
around 2 30 me and philly and ally picked up shaun mike and alec to come to ally's good stuff me and shaun got ally's room haha. we didnt fall asleep till ike 5 30.
hopefully 04 is a good year. ashley and i went threw a shit fuckin load threw 03. and dont want to go threw that again.
Happy new years
<3 kami and ash