Blog: It's The End of the World as we Know it and I Need a Drink?

May 22, 2011 19:34

Oh dio apparently the world was supposed to end yesterday! I learned from fratello but it didn't happen so I guess the guy was just maybe a little wonky in the head? I don't know but I'm glad the world didn't end. There's still so many people to meet and things to do!

The fabric is thankfully being restocked. I'm paying a pretty penny for it but the Pizzeria will look so nice when I'm through~ It's going to be finished and in the warehouse while I'm in LA so I'll pick it up and ship it home while I'm there. I've been talking to a few of my seminar buddies that I met through the website and they're all going to see the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie one night and invited me along. It looks very interesting so we're already planning to make a night out of it.

Fratellone~ I hope you won't miss me too much <3 I'll be sure to text you every night okay?

I can't wait to catch my flight Thursday morning! I should probably be packing... oh well!

fashion is my life, type: blog, art, pizzeria, i can't wait~

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