BLOG: Re-Meeting Old Friends + ACTION

Oct 11, 2010 19:20

(( All strikes deleted))

Ottie is back in Liberty! I haven't seen him since... well since I was really really little! I missed him so much. Our grandpapa's were sorta friends and we used to play together a lot until he went back to Germany. He was my first love and I promised to wait for him... I'm horrible.

It's been so long, but he hasn't changed too much~ except the part about being more forward I hope we can still be friends and catch up on all those years. Why did no one tell me he was in a war? Why didn't I know?

The photo shoot was amazing by the way~ One of my models was a bit grumpy but the pictures turned out amazing~*~*~ I'd post some but I'm not allowed to yet.

Oh, I can't wait for Halloween!! I have an amazing costume I plan on doing, it's from a video game I saw a while ago called "Assassin's Creed 2". The main guy is cool! He's Italian and his name is Ezio and he beats up bad guys. The best part? He's friends with Da Vinci! I can't wait until I finish the costume~

But first... maybe I'll go paint.

Feliciano shuts his laptop, takes out the battery and stores it in the bottom drawer of his dresser with his shut off cell phone. The land line in his room is unplugged as well. All the connections to the outside world are gone now and he feels he can breath. Be himself, do as he wishes and free himself from everything else.

Notes were placed earlier on Ludwig's, Romano's, Gilbert's and Antonio's bedside tables, saying he'd gotten a stroke of inspiration, was working hard, and please please don't bother him least the muse flees. Hopefully they would respect his space as an artist and leave him be. He'd called out from work and done his work for class in advance so he could lock his door with his outside obligations taken care of.

Now he had blessed peace. The only sounds come from the boom box, playing soft classical Italian as he moves around, setting up a drip cloth and easels in his room. With a pallet and brush in hand, paint tubes and extra brushes on the ready, large cup of water, a towel slung over his leg and apron on to protect his clothes he began to paint.

Emotions flowed and sketches were covered in acrylic paints, working on one as another dried and so on and so forth. All of them seemed on the darker side - a torn figure on the battle front, a shattered plane with two figures reaching out, fingers brushing the shards or reality, a small figure with it's head bowed and a figure on either side. Everything he was feeling, everything that was happening....

Feliciano stays in his room for a total of 4 days, only coming out for restroom breaks, a brief shower and to grab portable food.

type: blog, childhood love, love troubles, plzdonthateme, in trouble, this is real shite, art, shit is going down, worry, painting, depressed, sleep whats that?, art is an outlet, love hurts ;a;, breakdowns are not fun, secrets, stupid germans, italian flirt, type: action

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