Blog: Presents~

Jun 03, 2010 16:32

I loved them, ve! The party was really fun too~ I'm so glad everyone came! There was a few bad things but they were sorted out quick <3 Then I had a date after with Ludwig and it was so romantic and fun~*~*~*~*~*~*

~But yeah! Kiku got me some pretty comics about a princess and fairies and stuff! They're so cute~ And Mei got me a cute outfit I wanna wear it for Ludwig~ >w<ᘚ. And Antonio got me a funny TV series box set thingy called Big Bang Theory and I don't get some of it but it's really funny. And I got lots of pretty clothes and art stuff too!

The best present was from Nonno though! He got me my own pets! They're called Sugar Gliders and they're so tiny and cute and I named all 12 of them! Nonno got me one boy and one girl of each of the 6 species~ They even have their own room down the hall! And there's two really really big cages!

This is Juliet! She's a girl! And she likes to jump around the top of the cage a lot.

And this one is Gilbert! He reminds me of Ludwig's brother so that what I named him~ And he's always just sleeping in one of the pouches.

Allegra~ She likes to climb under my shirt!

Ehno likes to protect the girls when I let them play! He won't let Gilbert attack them or nothing~

And this is Mia! She likes to climb in Tony's hair (Tony is one of Nonno's workers, ve) and take naps. So cute!

Raul is always hogging the exercise wheels. He's kinda mean.

Quorra means heart and I named her that cause she's so loving and happy and snuggly and tries to go in my pants pockets.

And I named him Kiki cause he's always glaring and looking angry when everyone else runs around having fun!

I call her Zola cause she's always running on the ground and rolling around and stuff.

Leonardo is fearless! He likes to climb on the ceilings and jump down like a little ninja attacker! It's so cute!

Fiorella is such a lady~She's always cleaning her paws and eating fruits and she's so cute! I just want to keep her in my pocket and feed her grapes all day.

And this is Francis Romeo~ He's always trying to climb into the girl's cages to get Juliet. I think it's adorable! I changed his name, ve. Cause Francis is mean and he hates animals and wanted Kiki to kill my precious pets!

sugar gliders, nonno, presents!!!!!, type: blog, moe pets, party

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