Fail!Locked!Blog: Wallflower

May 05, 2010 21:21

[Fail! locked from all - now viewable to all]

Ve... It's... been 4 days since I left messages on Ludwig's cell...

He... hasn't answered, ve. Nothing for the messages on his desk either. I think... he's avoiding me, ve. I had to cancel our reservations at the restaurant because he never said if he wanted to go with me.

D-does he not like me that much? I know Nonno kinda surprised us all but he agreed... sorta. Toni and fratello are still getting along, they even go on dates sometimes. It's a lot like before with them... they always were so good together, ve.

E 'questo l'impegno di una causa persa? Io non voglio per costringerlo a sposare me. Mi piace abbastanza lui di lasciarlo andare, anche se mi fa male. Vorrei che solo parlare con me o qualcosa del genere.*

It's a bit dark out, maybe I'll go paint something in the garden, ve.

((Is this engagement a lost cause? I don't want to force him to marry me. I love him enough to let him go even if it hurts me. I wish he would just talk to me or something.))

wedding plans, type: locked blog, plzdonthateme, failed!, ludwig

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