Oct 06, 2005 19:28
why is my heart beating so fast? am I headed down the long ugly road of hypertension? I've been really excitable lately and I don't know why, either way I'm excited that I get to see Kyle and chad this weekend, plus there is some other excitement brewing for me, but for now I'll stay on the DL. (Can't get to excited all at once can I?)
Ok so there is this light in the computer lab and it keeps blinking like it's about to go out and it has been for some time now. I wish it would either go out or they would change it but the blinking my send me into an epileptic seizure here shortly...
I love all of you ,
Holli Rae
PS if everything looks like it's going ok then is it? or am I just waiting for the other shoe to drop?
PPS the evil computer nazi's in the commons made me walk all the way back to my car to get my ID and where is my car you ask? ALL THE WAY ACROSS CAMPUS on the 3rd floor of the parking garage. Walked off my sushi didn't I?
who loves your mom