Feb 23, 2005 21:52
Food for Thought: " If you died for some odd reason at this very momment, would you go to heaven or hell??? Would you be raised up to a perfect world where you feel nothing but everything that is good? or would u leave behind the grudges and bitterness you were too stubborn to forget? spending the rest of eternity burning in the harsh words u spoke, the devious thoughts, and the just plain wrong actions you made? would the ones you cherish know you cherish them? or would they assume you made sure to never tell them you loved them? Be kind to everyone.....whether they're the love of your life or maybe used to be, you best friend since forever, the person you hate the most, or just a random being you encounter. Do the right thing no matter what, help the less fortunate, laugh to brighten your soul, don't care so much about what others will think of you, and love like you will die tomorrow. "