Jan 30, 2005 18:12
have you ever asked yourself the question ...."does everyone have a soul mate?" ....its a very complex matter if you really think about it. im not sure what i believe, because sometimes i think that everyone does indeed have a soul mate, that one person that u automatically click with and instantly fall in love with. and yet, i think that even if we do all have one perfect match out there for us, will we ever find them? i mean, they could be spending the rest of their lives with another person. its pry f***** up if u ask me. and honestly, its just a big hassle dont u think? i duno. i guess, its tooootally worth all the hassle if you can find your "other half."
anyways, today was just kind of a lay around day, u know?...recovery day from well, yeeeeeah. but im out cuz ive got hw to finish :-p barf....